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HP Police Constable 22 Dec 2019 Solved Question Paper

आज इस आर्टिकल में हम आपको HP Police Constable 22 Dec 2019 Solved Question Paper के बारे में बताने जा रहे है.

HP Police Constable 22 Dec 2019 Solved Question Paper

Q. Which of the following is an Adverb of degree?

  1. Foolishy
  2. Sadly
  3. Quite
  4. Here

Q. Fill in the blank with one of the pairs given below-
             I am obliged_____________you ____________ your kindess

  1. To and For
  2. With and on
  3. To and About
  4. To and with

Q. A Philanthropist is one who

  1. Takes donations
  2. Makes donations
  3. Deals with diseases of kidney
  4. Deals with diseases of lungs

Q. ‘पूजा स्थल’ शब्द के विग्रह के लिए दिए गए विकल्पों में से सही विकल्प चुनिए.

  1. पूजा पर स्थल
  2. पूजा का स्थल
  3. पूजा में स्थल
  4. पूजा से स्थल

Q. ‘भवन’ शब्द का संधि विच्छेद क्या है?

  1. भो+वन
  2. भ+वन
  3. भो+अन
  4. भू+अन

Q. निम्न में से स्त्रीलिंग है?

  1. साल
  2. देश
  3. महान
  4. पुस्तक

Q. चिड़िया का बहुवचन क्या है?

  1. चिडियों
  2. चिड़िय
  3. चिड़िये
  4. चिड़ियाँ

Q. निम्नलिखित में से शुद्ध रूप को बताएँ.

  1. प्रकार
  2. प्रकार
  3. प्रकार्य
  4. प्राकर

Q. ‘परिणति’ शब्द के सही वर्ण विच्छेद बताइए

  1. प+अ+र+ई+ण+अ+त+इ
  2. प+अ+र+इ+ण+अ+त+ई
  3. प+अ+र+इ+ण+अ+त+इ
  4. प+र+इ+ण+अ+त+इ

Q. ‘उप’ उपसर्ग का अर्थ है

  1. बुरा
  2. समीप
  3. श्रेष्ट
  4. अनादर

Q. जो शब्द ‘इत’ परत्यय से नहीं बना है

  1. प्रभावित
  2. प्रकाशित
  3. शक्तिशाली
  4. आनन्दित

Q. वाक्य ‘सुहैल की दूकान में सारा माल हाथों हाथ बिक गया’ में क्रिया-विशेषण शब्द कौन है?

  1. दूकान
  2. माल
  3. हाथों-हाथ
  4. बिक

Q. The eastern most place of India is in

  1. Mizoram
  2. Manipur
  3. Arunachal Pradesh
  4. Tripura

Q. The full form of GST is

  1. General Sales Tax
  2. Goods Sales Tax
  3. Goods and Services Tax
  4. General Services Tax

Q. Dr. B R Ambedkar was the Chairman of

  1. Constituent Assembly
  2. Drafting Committee of the Constitution
  3. Union Constitution Committee
  4. Provincial Constitution Committee

Q. The State of Jammu and Kashmir has been divided into

  1. States of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh
  2. Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh
  3. State of Jammu & Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh
  4. Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir with Legislature and Union Territory of Ladakh without Legislature

Q. Sushma Verma, a Sportsperson from Himachal Pradesh, Plays

  1. Boxing
  2. Kabaddi
  3. Cricket
  4. Athletics

Q. Choose the correct phrase

  1. He was equal to the occasion
  2. He was equal for the occasion
  3. He was equal with the occasion
  4. He was equal on the occasion

Q. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom ‘Beat around the bush’.

  1. Avoid talking about what is important
  2. Talking nonsense
  3. making a person run around a bush
  4. to beat a bush

Q. Which of these is not synonym of ‘justice’?

  1. Equity
  2. Fair
  3. Prejudice
  4. Due Process

Q. Antonym of ‘amend’ is

  1. Rectify
  2. Repair
  3. Correct
  4. Blemish

Q. The Sanskrit name of River Beas is

  1. Bipasha
  2. Irrawati
  3. Chandrabhaga
  4. Sapta Sindhu

Q. Hepatitis affects which organ?

  1. Heart
  2. Bung
  3. Kidney
  4. Liver

Q. Which one of these is an abstract noun?

  1. Laughter
  2. Crowd
  3. Doctor
  4. Pen

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