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Sources of Energy and Fuels

In this article we are going to share about Physics Lesson Question & Answer- Sources of Energy and Fuels that can help you to crack exam.

Sources of Energy and Fuels

Sources of Energy and Fuels

Q. A substance used for producing heat energy is known as :

Ans. fuel

Q. Combustion is a process of :

Ans. oxidation

Q. The temperature at which combustion takes place is called :

Ans. ignition temperature

Q. Combustion can not take place in the absence of a substance called :

Ans. supporter of combustion

Q. Burning of kerosene oil is a type of combustion known as :

Ans. Rapid combustion

Q. name the direct source of energy of the universe.

Ans. sun

Q. Heating effect of sunlight is due to the presence of:

Ans. infra-red rays

Q. the name of the cooking gas used as fuel for domestic purposes is:

Ans. liquefied petroleum

Q. A solar cell produces electricity and takes the necessary energy from the:

Ans. sun

Q. Solar energy is used for cooking food by using a:

Ans. solar cell

Q. Most common naturally occurring solid fuel used in villages is:

Ans. wood

Q. Bio gas is prepared from:

Ans. Biomass

Q. Solar energy like other forms of energy causes no :

Ans. pollution

Q. Solar cell is used in:

Ans. watches

Q. Charcoal on burning produces heat:

Ans. 33 k joules/g

Q. Water gas is a mixture of:

Ans. CO and H2

Q. The main constituent of bio-gas is:

Ans. methane

Q. Charcoal is prepared by:

Ans. destructive distillation of wood

Q. Bio-gas is better then animal dungcakes as a fuel because:

Ans. it has higher calorific value

Q. Who promotes the construction of bio-gas plants in India?

Ans. The khadi and village industries commission

Q. Fuels which are formed by the decomposition of dead plants and animals under the earth are called:

Ans. fossil fuels

Q. The energy stored in fossil fuels was originally obtained from the:

Ans. Sun

Q. Wood was converted into under the surface of earth at high temperature an din the absence of :

Ans. air

Q. Main components of coal are :

Ans. C, H and O

Q. The name of variety of coal having the highest percentage of carbon is :

Ans. anthracite

Q. Heating of coal strongly is closed retorts is the absence of air is called :

Ans. Destructive distillation

Q. The name of the gas obtained during destructive distillation of coal is:

Ans. coal gas

Q. Coal gas is a mixture of:

Ans. H2, CH4and CO

Q. The substance left after the dry distillation of coal is:

Ans. Coke

Q. Petroleum is a mixture of:

Ans. hydrocarbons

Q. A hydrocarbon is a compound of:

Ans. Hydrogen and Carbon

Q. The gas which occurs along with petroleum is known as:

Ans. Natural gas

Q. Which of the following is not obtained on fractional distillation of petroleum?

Ans. coal gas

Q. The temperature up to which crude oil heated before feeding to fractionating column near the base is :

Ans. 400 deg c

Q. The name of the oil used in industries to boiler and furnace is :

Ans. fuel oil

Q. The fuel used in heavy vehicles like buses trucks and railway engines is :

Ans. diesel oil

Q. Fractional distillation is used for refining petroleum because of hydrocarbon fraction having:

Ans. different boiling temperature

Q. What the hydro-electric power?

Ans. Electricity generated in dames  by falling water

Q. Which gas escapes uncondensed during the fractional distillation ?

Ans. petroleum gas

Q. Producer gas is mixture of :

Ans. CO+N2

Q. Which is main constituted of L.P.G ?

Ans. butane

Q. Wind power is :

Ans. K.E of blowing wind

Q. Leaking in L.P.G gas cylinder i sdetected with the help of :

Ans. ethyl mercaptan

Q. The main constituent of natural gas is :

Ans. CH4(methane)

Q. The fractional distillation of coaltar yields:

Ans. benzene

Q. Calorific value of natural gas is :

Ans. 55 Kj/g

Q. Hydrocarbon fractions of petroleum oil are used for the proparation of:

Ans. organic chemicals

Q. The process by which one petroleum oil is converted into another is called:

Ans. craking

Q. Heat can be converted into mechanical energy by:

Ans. Heat engine

Q. Mechanical energy is converted into electric energy by :

Ans. Dynamo

Q. Solar energy is the effect of :

Ans. Nuclear fusion

Q. Which of the following compound has least heating value?

Ans. wood

Q. The heat energy liberated in joules when one gram of the fuel is burnt is called :

Ans. calorific value

Q. When m gm of a substance of specific heat capacity s joules per gm per degree celcius heating through t degree celcius the amount of heat energy supplies is given by ;

Ans. M x S x T

Q. The temperature at which a substance catches fire is called :

Ans. Ignition temperature

Q. What is the name of the substance without which combustion can not take place is ?

Ans. Oxygen

Q. A hot flame is luminous due to :

Ans. incomplete burning

Q. The most poisonous gas produced burning insufficient supply of oxygen is :

Ans. CO

Q. Solar cell converts solar energy into:

Ans. electric energy

Q. From the reaction : C+O2 →CO2+385 kJ the calorific value of carbon will be :

Ans. 32 kj

Q. Which of the following fuels has maximum calorific value ?

Ans. methane

Q. Fuels used in rockets are called :

Ans. Propellents

Q. Which of the following is not used as a rocket fuel?

Ans. Liquid Nitrogen

Q. The energy obtained from biomass is:

Ans. Bio Energy

Q. Secondary fuels are :

Ans. coal gas and water gas

Q. One feels the sensation of heat when exposed to:

Ans. infra-red rays

Q. Which compound has the lowest calorific value ?

Ans. Ethane

Q. The wave length of visible light is of the order of :

Ans. 6 x 10-7 meter

Q. The fuel used by early man to make fire was:

Ans. wood

Q. A gaseous fuel which does not contain carbon monoxide is:

Ans. natural gas

Q. The gaseous fuel used in cutting and welding iron and steel is:

Ans. natural gas

Q. The wave length of infra red light is:

Ans. larger than red light

Q. Hydrogen has high calorific value but is not used as domestic fuel because:

Ans. it burns with explosion

Q. Fire is hot because:

Ans. Heat is given out during making of new bonds of the products during burning than used for breaking old bonds

Q. Fuel that provides most of the energy needs of the world is:

Ans. petroleum

Q. Variety of coal having maximum percentage of carbonis:

Ans. Anthracite

Q. The mass of the sun is about:

Ans. 1029 tonnes

Q. The fuels which are directly used to produce heat are:

Ans. primary fuels

Q. The example of secondary fuels:

Ans. Coal Gas

Q. In sunlight cloths get dried due to:

Ans. infra-red radiation

Q. The compounds prepared from hydrocarbons contained in petroleum are called:

Ans. Petrochemical

सिलाई मशीन का आविष्कार कब और किसने किया?

Q. An ideal fuel should have :

Ans. high calorific value low ignition temperature

Q. Heating coal in absence of air is:

Ans. destructive distillation

Q. Outer part of candle flame is blue due to:

Ans. complete distillation

Q. Combustion is:

Ans. combination of oxygen with the evolution of heat and light

Q. When steam is passed over heated coke:

Ans. Water gas is obtained

Q. In ordinary fire extinguisher carbon dioxide is generate by the reaction of :

Ans. sodium bicarbonate and dil.H2SO4

Q. The reaction C+O2 → CO2+94.3 represents:

Ans. evolution of heat

Q. The fuel which is formed by slow decomposition of plants and animal is called:

Ans. Fossil Fuel

Q. Which of the following is an example of fossil fuel?

Ans. Natural gas

Q. Most of the fuels are:

Ans. Carbon compounds with hydrogen

Q. Harmful ultra violet radiation from sun are absorbed by:

Ans. Ozone(O3)

Q. Bio gas is mixture of:

Ans. CO2+CH4+H2+H2S

Q. The process of splitting up of which light into seven constituted colors is called:

Ans. dispersion

Q. Wavelength range of visible spectrum is :

Ans. 0.4 to 0.7 microns

Q. Which of the following color has the maximum wavelength ?

Ans. Red

Q. Energy of ultra violet rays is :

Ans. less than that of infra red rays

Q. A solar water heater can be used to get hot water on

Ans. a cloudy day

Q. Which of the following is not an example of a bio mass energy source?

Ans. nuclear energy

Q. Most of the source of energy we use represent stored solar energy.Which of the following is not ultimately derived from the sun’s energy:

Ans. geothermal energy

Q. What fraction of sun’s energy is available in the from of infra red radiation ?

Ans. one third

Published by
Deep Khicher

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