अंग्रेज़ों को ‘मुल्क रा मीठा ठग’ किसने कहा?

(A) नाथूसिंह महियारिया ने
(B) शंकरदान सामौर ने
(C) केसरी सिंह बारहट ने
(D) बांकीदास ने

Q. वर्कशीट में एक सैल में, अधिकतम कितने कैरेक्टर्स रख सकते हैं?

(A) 64
(B) 1280
(C) 512
(D) 256

Q. एक प्रिंटर की आउटपुट गुणधर्म किससे मापी जाती

(A) डॉट प्रति वर्ग इंच
(B) डॉट प्रति इंच
(C) मुद्रित डॉट्स प्रति इकाई समय
(D) इनमें से सभी

Q. हाई लेवल लैंग्वेज ‘C’ का आविष्कार किसने किया था?

(A) निकलस रिथ
(B) डोनाल्ड कुंथ
(C) डेनिस एम. रिची
(D) रोमुर पेपर्ट

Q. एम.एस. पॉवर पॉइन्ट में विद्यमान प्रस्तुतीकरण खोलने के लिये, निम्न में से कौनसी शॉर्टकट कुंजी प्रयोग में ली जाती है?

(A) Ctrl + O
(B) Crtl + L
(C) Ctrl + A
(D) Ctrl + N

Q. Select from the given options the sentence which correctly transforms the following Direct speech sentence in reported speech.
Sentence: “Please, could you tell me the answer?”, he said,

(A) He asked me to tell him the answer.
(B) He said that please could I tell him the answer.
(C) He requested if I could tell him the answer.
(D) He asked me please could I tell him the answer.

Q. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition –
He has been ill ………… last three months.

(A) for
(B) by
(C) since
(D) from

Q. In active voice the sentence will be read as –
“Many amusing stories are told about Mark Twain.

(A) People tell many amusing stories about Mark Twain.
(B) People are being told many amusing stories about Mark Twain.
(C) Mark Twain tells many amusing stories to people.
(D) People are telling many amusing stories about Mark Twain.

Q. Fill in the blank space in the sentence given below selecting appropriate set of words from the following options –
………….. by long queues and bad weather the voters ………… their way to polling stations any way they could.

(A) Worried, Lost
(B) Satisfied, Turned
(C) Undaunted, Made
(D) Encouraged, Prepared

Q. Choose the correct option that expresses the meaning of the underlined idiom –
They have been at daggers drawn for weeks over their distribution of ancestral property.

(A) be bitterly hostile towards each other
(B) to live separately
(C) not on talking terms
(D) to live calmly

Published by
Deep Khicher

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