‘पलाण’ क्या है?

(A) एक लोक वाद्य यंत्र
(B) घोड़े पर रखी जाने वाली काठी
(C) ऊँट पर रखी जाने वाली काठी
(D) गोरबन्द का समानार्थी शब्द

Q. Match the idioms in Column (A) with their meanings listed in Column (B) –
Column – (A) Idioms
(A) A red-letter day
(B) To smell a rat
(C) To leave no stone unturned
(D) To turn over a new leaf
Column – (B) Meanings
(i) to suspect something wrong
(ii) to make every possible effort
(iii) to make a fresh start
(iv) A special/noteworthy/memorable occasion

(A) a-(iii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(ii)
(B) a-(ii), b-(iii), c-(i), d-(iv)
(C) a-(ii), b-(iii), c-(iv), d-(0)
(D) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(ii), d-(iii)

Q. Choose the correct option :
‘Do you know when she will go home?’ I said to him. (Change into indirect speech)

(A) I asked him that did he know when she would go home.
(B) I asked him if he knew when she would go home.
(C) I asked him if he knew when she will go home.
(D) I asked him if he know when she would go home.

Q. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom –
‘Feeling under the weather’ means –

(A) refreshed
(B) to feel ill
(C) rejuvenate
(D) bad weather

Q. Fill in the blank spaces in the given sentence selecting appropriate set of words from the following options –
Sentence: Contrary to popular ……….. that money is power, I ……. that knowledge is power.

(A) beliefs, believes
(B) believe, belief
(C) belief, believe
(D) believes, beliefs

Q. Change the voice of the following and choose the correct option – There is no charge to make against him. (Change into Passive Voice)

(A) There is no charge to have made against him.
(B) There is no charge to be made against him.
(C) There is no charge made against to him.
(D) There was no charge to be made against him.

Q. Fill in the blank space in the sentence choosing the right alternative from the given options –
“A kangaroo can jump………. a rabbit.”

(A) higher than
(B) highest than
(C) highest to
(D) higher to

Q. fill in the blank with the most appropriate phrasal verb –
Raja Ram Mohan Roy urged Indians to………….. (do) untouchability.

(A) do at
(B) do away with
(C) do upon
(D) do without

Published by
Deep Khicher

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