“स्वस्थ धरा खेत हरा’ नारा है –

(A) परम्परागत कृषि विकास योजना का
(B) कृषि-वानिकी पर उप-मिशन का
(C) मृदा स्वास्थ्य कार्ड योजना का
(D) प्रधानमन्त्री कृषि सिंचाई योजना का

Q. Fill in the blank space in the sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb/tense from the given options –
“As soon as she ……….. the book, she informed the publisher.”

(A) has finished
(B) finishes
(C) had finished
(D) finished

Q. Match the words in (A) with their synonyms in (B) :
(A) Words
(A) Amend
(B) Revamp
(C) Enhance
(D) Diminish
(B) Synonyms
(i) Rebuild
(ii) Increase
(iii) Reduce
(iv) Modify

(A) a-(ii), b-(i), c-(iv), d-(iii)
(B) a-(i), b-(iii), c-(iv), d-(ii)
(C) a-(ii), b-(i), c-(iv), d-(iii)
(D) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(ii), d-(iii)

Q. Out of the following proverbs, which one is correctly framed or does not have any error in its form:

(A) As you sow, you shall so reap
(B) A stitch on time saves nine
(C) Birds of feathers together flock
(D) Make hay while the sun shines

Q. Match the items in column
(A) with appropriate items in column
(B) so as to form meaningful sentences :
Column – (A)
(A) If you had tried…..
(B) Unless you tell me the truth.
(C) If you are going abroad………
(D) Do you know………..
Column – (B)
(i) ………..whether the match has been postponed.
(ii) …………you’ll need a lot of money.
(iii) ………..I’ll not let you go.
(iv)…………you would have succeeded.

(A) a-(i), b-(ii), c-(iv), d-(iii)
(B) a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(ii), d-(i)
(C) a-(ii), b-(iii), c-(i), d-(iv)
(D) a-(iii), b-(ii), c-(iv), d-(i)

Q. Fill in the blank with the correct article:
He works in………………… L.I.C. of India.

(A) zero
(B) the
(C) a
(D) an

Published by
Deep Khicher

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