Staff Selection Commission Phase 6 VI Written exam date Scientific Assistant Junior Seed Analyst Heraldic Assistant In History Division Investigator Grade-II Botanical Assistant Junior Computer Section Officer Assistant Plant Protection Officer Draftsman Canteen Attendant
SSC JE Phase VI Admit Card & Exam Date
SSC JE Phase VI का Admit Card डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको सबसे पहले SSC की ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा. इसके बाद में आप SSC JE Phase VI Admit Card डाउनलोड कर सकते है.
SSC JE Phase VI Posts Exam Pattern
SSC Junior Engineer पोस्ट के लिए एग्जाम पैटर्न तैयार किया हुआ है. अगर आपको कोई एग्जाम क्लियर करना है तो आपको उस एग्जाम का पैटर्न का जरुर ध्यान रखना है. उम्मीदवार को एग्जाम में जाने से पहले एग्जाम पैटर्न और एग्जाम का syllabus जरुर पता होना चाहिए. हम आपको नीचे एग्जाम का पैटर्न बता रहे है.
Papers | Mode of Examination | Subject | No.of Questions | Maximum marks | Duration & Timings |
Paper-I Objective Type (Date of Examination 05-01-2018 to 08-01-2018) |
Computer Base Mode | (i) General Intelligence Reasoning (ii) General Awareness (iii) Part.A General Engineering |
50 50 100 |
50 50 |
2 Hours Morning shift [10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon] Afternoon Shift [2.00 PM to 4.00 PM] |
(Civil & Structural) OR Part-B General Engineering (Electrical) OR Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical) |
100 | Note: Entry to the examination venue will not be allowed after 9.30 AM in the morning shift and after 1.30 PM in the afternoon shift. |
Paper-II Conventional Type |
Written Examination | Part-A General Engineering (Civil & Structural) OR Part- B General Engineering (Electrical) OR Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical) |
300 | 2 Hours Date to be intimated later on. |
SSC JE Phase VI Admit Card
SSC Junior Engineer Posts Roll No.
SSC Junior Engineer रोल नंबर आपको अपने admit कार्ड में मिल जायेंगे. इसके लिए आपको अपना admit कार्ड डाउनलोड करना होगा. admit कार्ड डाउनलोड करने के बाद में आप अपनी सारी डिटेल जैसे आपका पेपर कहाँ होगा, कब होगा, किस समय होगा जैसी चीजे दी हुई होगी.
SSC JE Phase VI Posts Exam Date
SSC Junior Engineer के लिए आपको एग्जाम date नीचे दिए गए लिंक से मिल जायेगी जहाँ पर आप अपना admit कार्ड भी डाउनलोड कर सकते है.
SSC Junior Engineer Posts Syllabus
Download SSC Junior Engineer Exam 2017 Syllabus | |
SSC Junior Engineer Exam General Awareness Syllabus 2017 | Indian Polity General Science History – India Books & Authors Countries, Capitals & Currencies. Indian Constitution Abbreviations Indian Geography Current Affairs – National & International Indian Culture & Heritage Science & Technology Indian Economy |
SSC Junior Engineer Aptitude Syllabus 2017 | Decimals & Fractions Time and Distance Fundamental Arithmetical Operations Mixtures & Allegations Time & Work Data Interpretation Whole Numbers Profit & Loss Percentage Discount Number Systems |
SSC Junior Engineer Syllabus English Language | Antonyms Proverbs Unseen Passage Tenses Conjunctions Sentence Structure Verbs Articles Prepositions Vocabulary Synonyms Phrases |
SSC Junior Engineer Exam syllabus for Reasoning | Puzzle Syllogism Making Judgments Data Sufficiency Coding and decoding Number series Input Output Logical Reasoning Passage and conclusion Seating Arrangement – Circular table and Line (North & South) Order and ranking Statement and Argument Inequality or Decision Making Blood Relation |
टियर 1 General Engineering (Civil and Structural), (Electrical & Mechanical): | |
Part-A Civil Engineering |
Structural Engineering |
Part-B Electrical Engineering |
Part-C Mechanical Engineering |
Properties & Classification of Fluids
Paper II | |
Part-A : Civil & Structural Engineering | Civil Engineering
Building Materials: Estimating, Costing and Valuation: Surveying : Soil Mechanics : Hydraulics : Irrigation Engineering: Transportation Engineering: Highway Engineering – cross sectional elements, geometric design, types of pavements, pavement materials – aggregates and bitumen, different tests, Design of flexible and rigid pavements – Water Bound Macadam (WBM) and Wet Mix Macadam (WMM), Gravel Road, Bituminous construction, Rigid pavement joint, pavement maintenance, Highway drainage, Railway Engineering- Components of permanent way – sleepers, ballast, fixtures and fastening, track geometry, points and crossings, track junction, stations and yards. Traffic Engineering – Different traffic survey, speed-flow-density and their interrelationships, intersections and interchanges, traffic signals, traffic operation, traffic signs and markings, road safety. Structural Engineering Theory of structures: RCC Design: RCC beams-flexural strength, shear strength, bond strength, design of singly reinforced and double reinforced beams, cantilever beams. T-beams, lintels. One way and two way slabs, isolated footings. Reinforced brick works, columns, staircases, retaining wall, water tanks (RCC design questions may be based on both Limit State and Working Stress methods). |
Part-B (Electrical Engineering) | Basic concepts :
Concepts of resistance, inductance, capacitance, and various factors affecting them. Concepts of current, voltage, power, energy and their units. Circuit law : Kirchhoff‟s law, Simple Circuit solution using network theorems. Magnetic Circuit : Concepts of flux, mmf, reluctance, Different kinds of magnetic materials, Magnetic calculations for conductors of different configuration e.g. straight, circular, solenoidal, etc. Electromagnetic induction, self and mutual induction. AC Fundamentals: Instantaneous, peak, R.M.S. and average values of alternating waves, Representation of sinusoidal wave form, simple series and parallel AC Circuits consisting of R.L. and C, Resonance, Tank Circuit. Poly Phase system – star and delta connection, 3 phase power, DC and sinusoidal response of R-Land R-C circuit. Estimation and costing: Utilization of Electrical Energy: Illumination, Electric heating, Electric welding, Electroplating, Electric drives and motors. Basic Electronics: Working of various electronic devices e.g. P N Junction diodes, Transistors (NPN and PNP type), BJT and JFET. Simple circuits using these devices. |
Part- C (Mechanical Engineering) | Theory of Machines and Machine Design Concept of simple machine, four bar linkage and link motion, Flywheels and fluctuation of energy, Power transmission by belts – V-belts and Flat belts, Clutches – Plate and Conical clutch, Gears – Type of gears, gear profile and gear ratio calculation, Governors – Principles and classification, Riveted joint, Cams, Bearings, Friction in collars and pivots. Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials Equilibrium of Forces, Law of motion, Friction, Concepts of stress and strain, Elastic limit and elastic constants, Bending moments and shear force diagram, Stress in composite bars, Torsion of circular shafts, Bucking of columns – Euler‟s and Rankin‟s theories, Thin walled pressure vessels. Thermal Engineering Properties of Pure Substances : p-v & P-T diagrams of pure substance like H2O, Introduction of steam table with respect to steam generation process; definition of saturation, wet & superheated status. Definition of dryness fraction of steam, degree of superheat of steam. H-s chart of steam (Mollier‟s Chart). 1st Law of Thermodynamics: Definition of stored energy & internal energy, 1st Law of Thermodynamics of cyclic process, Non Flow Energy Equation, Flow Energy & Definition of Enthalpy, Conditions for Steady State Steady Flow; Steady State Steady Flow Energy Equation. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: Air standard Cycles for IC engines: Otto cycle; plot on P-V, T-S Planes; Thermal Efficiency, Diesel Cycle; Plot on P-V, T-S planes; Thermal efficiency. Rankine cycle of steam : Accessories: Fire Tube & Water Tube Boilers. Properties & Classification of Fluid: ideal & real fluids, Newton‟s law of viscosity, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids, compressible and incompressible fluids. Fluid Statics: Pressure at a point. Measurement of Fluid Pressure: Manometers, U-tube, Inclined tube. Fluid Kinematics: Stream line, laminar & turbulent flow, external & internal flow, continuity equation. Dynamics of ideal fluids: Bernoulli‟s equation, Total head; Velocity head; Pressure head; Application of Bernoulli‟s equitation. Classification of Steels: mild steal & alloy steel, Heat treatment of steel, Welding – Arc Welding, Gas Welding, Resistance Welding, Special Welding Techniques i.e. TIG, MIG, etc. (Brazing & Soldering), Welding Defects & Testing; NDT, Foundry & Casting – methods, defects, different casting processes, Forging, Extrusion, etc, Metal cutting principles, cutting tools, Basic Principles of machining with (i) Lathe (ii) Milling (iii) Drilling (iv) Shaping (v) Grinding, Machines, tools & manufacturing processes. |