West Bengal Police Admit Card & Exam Date West Bengal Police Admit Card 2018 West Bengal Hall Ticket/ Call Letter 2018 West Bengal Written Exam Physical PET PST Exam Date Call Letter Physical PET PST Admit Card 2018 West Bengal Police Exam Date & Admit Card 2018 West Bengal Lady Police Constable Admit Card & Exam Date
अगर आपने West Bengal Lady Police Constable के लिए अप्लाई किया हुआ है और आप अपना एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करना चाहते है तो West Bengal Police की ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर Lady Police Constable के एडमिट कार्ड जारी कर दिए है. Lady Police Constable एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको सबसे पहले West Bengal police की ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा. इसके बाद आप West Bengal Lady Police Constable Admit Card Download कर सकते है. अगर आपको एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करने के स्टेप्स नहीं पता है तो आप नीचे दिए गए सेक्शन को चेक करे.
WB Police के lady Constable पोस्ट के exam date 07.10.2018 रखी है और एग्जाम की जगह और एग्जाम का समय आप अपने एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करने के बाद में चेक कर सकते है.
WB Police Admit Card 2018 WB Police Constable Re-Exam Date 2018 WB Police Constable Re-Exam Download Admit Card of WB Police Constable Second shift Exam 2018 Check WB Police Constable Re-Exam Date WB Police Constable
he date of Final Written Examination for recruitment to the post of Lady Constable in West Bengal Police has been scheduled on 07.10.2018 (Sunday) from 12:00 Noon to 01:00 PM. The e-Admit Cards will be available on the website of West Bengal Police (www.policewb.gov.in) from 24.09.2018 on keying of Application Sl. No. & Date of Birth. All efforts will be made to deliver SMS alert to the registered Mobile Number of the candidates. However, the Board will
not be responsible for non-delivery of such SMS. The candidates shall have to produce the printout of their e-Admit Cards at the allotted venues for appearing in the said examination. Neither any paper Admit Card will be issued or sent by post to the candidates who have applied on-line norwill it be made available from the office of the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board. The candidates are advised to follow the instructions on their Admit Card and visit the website (www.policewb.gov.in) on a regular basis. Specimen of OMR Answer Sheet and Attendance Roll have also been uploaded in the website.
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