Universe & Solar System

Our Universe & Solar System consists of many star, the Sun, and its orbiting planets (including Earth), along with numerous moons, asteroids, comet material, rocks, and dust. Our Sun is just one star among the hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy.

Universe & Solar System

Universe & Solar System
Universe & Solar System

What is Cosmology?

the study of the universe is known as Cosmology.

What is Galaxy?

A galaxy is a vast system of billions of stars, dust and light gases bound by their own gravity.


There are 100 billion galaxies in the universe and each galaxy has, on average, 100 billion stars.

Our galaxy is Milky Way Galaxy (or the Akash Ganga) formed after the big bang.

What is Andromeda?

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Andromeda is the nearest galaxy to the Milky Way.

What is The Big Bang Theory?

Big Bang was an explosion of concentrated matter in the universe that occurred 15 billion years ago, leading to the formation of galaxies of stars and heavenly bodies.

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What is COBE & WMAP?

It is believed that universe should be filled with radiation called the “Cosmic Microwave Background”.

NASA has launched two mission to study this radiation, i.e the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) and the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP).

What is Stars?

Stars are heavenly bodies made up of hot burning and shine by emitting their own light.

What is Black Hole?

Black Hole

Stars having the mass greater than three times that of the sun, have very high gravitational power, so that even light can not escape from its gravity and hence called black hole.

What are Comets?


Comets made up of frozen gases. They move around the Sun in elongated elliptical orbit with the tail always pointing away from the sun.

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