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Biology Question & Answer – Heredity and Evolution

in this article, we are going to share about Biology Question & Answer – Heredity and Evolution that can help in your exam.

Biology Question & Answer – Heredity and Evolution

Biology Question & Answer – Heredity and Evolution

Q. Who coined the term gene?

Ans. Johanssen in 1909

Q. Name the plant on which Mendel proform his experiments:

Ans. Pea

Q. Chromosomes occur in:

Ans. Pair

Q. Very important constituent of chromosomes

Ans. D.N.A

Q. How many pairs of chromosomes are there in humans:

Ans. 23 pairs

Q. The point at which chromatids are attached:

Ans. Centromere

Q. In humans how many pairs of chromosomes are responsible for determination of sex:

Ans. One pairs

Q. how many pairs of autosomes chromosomes are there in human?

Ans. 22 pairs

Q. In each chromosome, there is a molecule of:

Ans. D.N.A

Q. Full  form of DNA:

Ans. Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid

Q. Full form of R.N.A:

Ans. Ribonucleic acid

Q. A hereditary component in retrovirus is:

Ans. R.N.A

Q. Genes are the component of chromosomes who said it:

Ans. Bowers and W.S status

Q. Double Helical structure of D.N.A. is given by:

Ans. J.D. Waston and F.H kick

Q. The science of heredity and variation is called:

Ans. Genetics

Q. Gene is a segment of:

Ans. DNA

Q. In prokaryotes there is/are:

Ans. 1 Chromosome

Q. In a diploid cell there are:

Ans. 23 pairs of chromosome, 46 chromosome

Q. In a haploid cell there are:

Ans. Unpaired chromosome, 23 chromosomes, 46 chromosome

Q. Example of haploid cell

Ans. Sperm, over

Q. Members of a pair of a chromosome are exactly same they are called:

Ans. Homologous chromosome

Q. Haploid cells are formed from diploid cells by:

Ans. Meiosis

Q. The point at which chromatids are attached is:

Ans. Centromere

Q. DNA is:

Ans. Polynucleotide molecule, Deoxyribonucleic Acid, Genetic material

Q. In Down’s syndrome one extra chromosome is added to:

Ans. 21 st pair

Q. Genes present on sex chromosome:

Ans. Sex-linked genes

Q. Who isolated DNA (in 1869) from where?

Ans. Frederick Meisher, Pus cells

Q. Waston and F.H.C. crick were awarded Nobel prize in for model of DNA:

Ans. 1962

Q. Name of the model of DNA proposed by Watson and Crick in 1950 is:

Ans. Double helical modal

Q. A nucleotide has three components:

Ans. Nitrogenous base, sugar, and Phosphate

Q. Purines and pyrimidines are two types of:

Ans. Nitrates

Q. Two pyrimidines in DNA are:

Ans. Cytosine and Thymine

Q. Adenine and guanine are two:

Ans. Purines

Q. In DNA adenine pairs with and guanine pairs with:

Ans. Thymine cytosine

Q. Organisms having a segment of foreign:

Ans. Transgenic organism & Genetically Modified Organism

Q. If a sperm having X-chromosome fertilizes the egg, offspring will be:

Ans. Female

Q. According to the position of centromere chromosomes are of…….types:

Ans. 4

Q. In a haploid cell no of chromosomes are:

Ans. Half then normal

Q. The arrangement of chromosome according to their sizes for the study is:

Ans. Karyotype

Q. A cell of a human being in which 46 chromosomes are found in pairs is:

Ans. Diploid cell

Q. Out of following which is not an example of eukaryotes:

Ans. Bacteria

Q. No. of chromosomes in prokaryotes:

Ans. 1

Q. Autosomal genes are found on:

Ans. Autosomes

Q. A human chromosome has:

Ans. 30000 to 40000 genes

Q. A sperm/ovum has:

Ans. 23 Chromosome

Q. The monomer of DNA is:

Ans. Nucleotide

Q. For a female human being:

Ans. 44+ XX

Q. Who is regarded as the father of genetics:

Ans. Gregor Johann Mendel

Q. A Mendelian experiment consisted of breeding tall pea plants bearing violet flowers with short pea plants bearing white flowers.The progeny all bore violet flowers but almost half of them were short.This suggests that the genetic make-up of the tall parent can be depicted as:

Ans. TtWW

Q. An example of homologous organs is:

Ans. Our arm and dog’s fore-leg

Q. In evolutionary terms we have more in common with:

Ans. A Chinese school-boy

Published by
Deep Khicher

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