Invention of Fishhook

Invention of Fishhook

Invention of Fishhook – The major problem with dating inventions earlier than the written word is that there are no first-hand accounts documenting their conception or use. Paleoarcheologists have the difficult task of piecing together the prehistory of man based on scraps of physical evidence left behind by our ancient ancestors. Invention of Fishhook, How, … Read more

Invention of Built Shelter

Invention of Built Shelter

Here we are sharing Invention of Built Shelter, How, When & Who Invent Built Shelter? Invention of Built Shelter The earliest evidence for built shelter appears to have been constructed by Homo Heidelberg, who lived in Europe between around 800,000 B.C.E. and 200,000 B.C.E. Anthropologists are uncertain whether these were ancestors of Homo sapiens (humans) … Read more

Invention of Internet

Invention of Internet

The invention of the internet has revolutionized the world. Today the internet has become so important that if the one-minute internet is closed, millions of crores will be damaged. Today many have become dependent on the Internet. Who Invented the Internet? Invention of Internet The internet is, however, the technology to take an information, from … Read more

दुनिया के अजब गजब आविष्कारों की जानकारी

दुनिया के अजब गजब आविष्कारों की जानकारी

आज इस आर्टिकल में हम आपको दुनिया के अजब गजब आविष्कारों की जानकारी देने जा रहे है. हम आपको यहाँ पर हर अविष्कार की एक लिस्ट बना कर देंगे आपको जिस अविष्कार को चेक करना है आप उस पर क्लिक करके चेक कर सकते है. दुनिया के अजब गजब आविष्कारों की जानकारी रडार का आविष्कार … Read more