आज इस आर्टिकल में हम आपको Units of Measurement के बारे में बताने जा रहे है.
UP NRHM 3000+ Various Post Exam Result
Units of Measurement
Quantity | Unit (SI) |
Length | Meter |
Time | Second |
Mass | Kilogram |
Area | Square meter |
Volume | Cubic meter |
Velocity | Meter/second |
Acceleration | Meter |
Density | Kilogram/meter |
Momentum | Kilogram-meter/second |
Work | Joule |
Energy | Joule |
Force | Newton |
Pressure | Pascal or Newton/meter |
Frequency | Hertz |
Power | Watt |
Weight | Newton or Kilogram |
Impulse | Newton-second |
Angular velocity | Radian /second |
Viscosity | Poise |
Surface Tension | Newton/meter |
Heat | Joule |
Temperature | Kelvin |
Absolute temperature | Kelvin |
Resistance | Ohm |
Electric current | Ampere |
Electromotive force | Volt |
Electrical conductivity | Mho/meter |
Electric | Kilowatt-hour |
Electric power | Kilowatt or watt |
Magnetic intensity | Oersted |
Charge | Coulomb |
Magnetic induction | Gauss |
Luminous flux | Candela |
Intensity of sound | Decibel |
Power of lens | Dioptre |
Depth of sea | Fathom |