Categories: Science

Science Branches And Their Definitions

branches of science

Science Branches And Their Definitions :- Today in this article we are going to tell you various science branches terms used for different science work.

Science Branches And Their Definitions

Q. What is Acoustics science?

Ans. Study of sound (or science of sound)

Q. What is Aerodynamics science?

Ans. Branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of air and other gases.

Q. What is Aeronautics science?

Ans. Science or art of fight.

Q. What is Agronomy science?

Ans. Science of soil management and the production of filed crops.

Q. What is Agrostolgy science?

Ans. Study of grasses.

Q. What is Anatomy science.

Ans. Science dealing with the structure of animals, plants or human body.

Q. What is Anthropology science?

Ans. Science dealing with the origins, physical and cultural development of mankind.

Q. What is Archaeology science?

Ans. Study of antiquities.

Q. What is Astrology science?

Ans. Ancient art of predicting the course of human destinies with help of indications deduced form the position and movement of the heavenly bodies.

Q. What is Astronautics science?

Ans. Science of space travel.

Q. What is Astronomy science?

Ans. Study of heavenly bodies.

Q. What is Astrophysics science?

Ans. Branch of astronomy concerned with the physical nature of heavenly bodies.

Q. What is Bacteriology science?

Ans. Study of bacteria

Q. What is Biochemistry science?

Ans. Study of chemical processes of living things.

Q. What is Biology science?

Ans. Study of living things

Q. What is Biometry science?

Ans. Application of mathematics to the study of living things.

Q. What is Bionics science?

Ans. Study of functions, characteristics and phenomena observed in the living world and application of this knowledge to the world of machines.

Q. What is Bionomics science?

Ans. Study of the relation of an organism to its environment.

Q. What is Botany science?

Ans. A study of plants.

Q. What is Ceramics science?

Ans. Art and technology of making objects from clay, etc.

Q. What is Chemistry science?

Ans. Study of elements and their laws of combination and behavior.

Q. What is Chemotherapy science?

Ans. Treatment of diseases by using chemical substances.

Q. What is Conchology science?

Ans. Branch of zoology dealing with the shells of molluscs.

Q. What is Cosmology science?

Ans. Study of universe as a whole and of its from, nature etc.

Q. What is Cryptography science?

Ans. Study of ciphers (secret writings)

Q. What is Crystallography science?

Ans. Study of the structure, forms and properties of crystals.

Q. What is Cryogenics science?

Ans. Science dealing with the production, control and application of very low temperatures.

Q. What is Cytology science?

Ans. Study of cells, especially their formation, structure and functions.

Q. What is Dactylography science?

Ans. Study of finger prints for the purpose of identification.

Q. What is Ecology science?

Ans. Study of the relation of animals and plants to their surroundings, animate and inanimate.

Q. What is Economics science?

Ans. Science dealing with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

Q. What is Embryology science?

Ans. Study of development of embryos.

Q. What is Entomology science?

Ans. Study of insects.

Q. What is Epidemiology science?

Ans. Branch of medicine dealing with epidemic diseases.

Q. What is Epigraphy science?

Ans. Study of inscriptions.

Q. What is Ethnology science?

Ans. Branch of anthropology dealing with the origin, distribution and distinguishing characteristics of the races  of mankind.

Q. What is Ethology science?

Ans. Study of animal behavior.

Q. What is Eugenics science?

Ans. Study of the production of better offspring by the careful selection of parents.

Q. What is genealogy science?

Ans. Study of family origins and history.

Q. What is genealogy science?

Ans. The science of generation.

Q. What is Genetics science?

Ans. Branch of biology dealing with the phenomena of heredity and the laws governing it.

Q. What is Geography science?

Ans. Development of science of the earth’s surface, physical features, climate population etc.

Q. What is Geology science?

Ans. Science that deals with the physical history of the earth.

Q. What is Geomorphology science?

Ans. Study of the characteristic, origin and development of landforms.

Q. What is gerontology science?

Ans. Study of old age, its phenomena, diseases, etc.

Q. What is Histology science?

Ans. Study of tissues.

Q. What is Horticulture science?

Ans. Cultivation of flowers, fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants.

Q. What is Hydrology science?

Ans. Study of water with reference to its occurrence, and properties in the hydrosphere and atmosphere.

Q. What is Metallurgy science?

Ans. Process of extracting metals from their ores.

Q. What is Meteorology science?

Ans. Science of the atmosphere and its phenomena.

Q. What is Metrology science?

Ans. Scientific study of weights and measures.

Q. What is microbiology science?

Ans. Study of minute living organisms including bacteria, moulds, and pathogenic protozoa.

Q. What is Mycology science?

Ans. Study of fungi and fungus diseases.

Q. What is Numerology science?

Ans. Study of the nervous system, its functions and its disorders.

Q. What is Numerology science?

Ans. Study of numbers.

Q. What is Odontology science?

Ans. Scientific study of the teeth.

Q. What is Optics science?

Ans. Study of nature and properties of light.

Q. What is Ornithology science?

Ans. Study of birds.

Q. What is Osteology science?

Ans. Study of bones.

Q. What is Paleobotany science?

Ans. Study of fossil plants.

Q. What is Paleontology science?

Ans. Study of fossils.

Q. What is Pathology science?

Ans. Study of diseases.

Q. What is Phonetics science?

Ans. Study of speech sound and the production, transmission, reception etc.

Q. What is Phrenology science?

Ans. Study of the faculties and qualities of minds from the shape of the skull.

Q. What is Phthisiology science?

Ans. Scientific study of tuberculosis.

Q. What is Phyeology science?

Ans. Study of algae.

Q. What is Physics science?

Ans. Study of the properties of matter.

Q. What is Physiology science?

Ans. Study of the functioning of the various organs of living beings.

Q. What is Pomology science?

Ans. Science that deals with fruits and fruit growing.

Q. What is Psychology science?

Ans. Study of human and animal behavior.

Q. What is Radiology science?

Ans. Study of X-rays and radioactivity.

Q. What is Rheology science?

Ans. Study of the deformation and folw of matter.

Q. What is Scientology science?

Ans. Study of earthquakes and the phenomena associated with it.

Q. What is Sericulture science?

Ans. Raising of silkworms for the production of raw silk.

Q. What is Sociology science?

Ans. Study of human society.

Q. What is Telepathy science?

Ans. Communication between minds by some means other than sensory perception.

Q. What is Therapeutics science?

Ans. Art and science of healing.

Q. What is Topography science?

Ans. A special description of a part or region.

Q. What is Virology science?

Ans. Study of viruses.

Q. What is Zoology science?

Ans. Study of animal life.

Published by
Deep Khicher

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