Nutrition & Respiration

In this article we are sharing about Biology MCQ:- Nutrition & Respiration that can help you in the exam.

Nutrition & Respiration

Nutrition & Respiration

Q. Cascata (Amarbel) is a :

(A) parasite
(B) plant parasite
(C) holozoic animal
(D) saprophyte

Q. Benedict’s solution is used to test______presence of :

(A) sugar
(B) Fat
(C) protein
(D) mineral in the food

Q. What is the nature of food material which gives a blue black color with iodine ?

(A) protein
(B) glucose
(C) starch
(D) fat

Q. NADPH ___________ NADP+ ? + energy

(A) phosphate
(C) hydrogen

Q. Which produce more energy per unit mass ?

(A) carbohydrates
(B) fat
(C) proteins
(D) vitamins

Q. The major fatty acid present in butter is :

(A) Octanoic acid
(B) butyric acid
(C) stearic acid
(D) oleic acid

Q. The enzyme which assists in the hydrolysis of fats during digestion is :

(A) pepsin
(B) lipase
(C) trypsin
(D) amylase

Q. Hemoglobin is an example of :

(A) protective protein
(B) contractile protein
(C) transport protein
(D) enzyme protein

Q. When a protein is treated with concentrated nitric acid then the color produced is :

(A) yellow
(B) red
(C) blue
(D) brown

Q. Site of photosynthesis is :

(A) roots
(B) stomata
(C) chloroplast
(D) leaf

Q. Bile releases from :

(A) liver
(B) pancreas
(C) duodenum
(D) small intenstive

Q. Succus entericus is a/an :

(A) digestive fluid
(B) intestinal juice
(C) enzyme
(D) protein

Q. The proteins in the food are broken down into simpler substance by :

(A) Amino acids
(B) Fatty acids
(C) glucose
(D) Maltose

Q. Name one rich source of protein in human diet :

(A) Meat
(B) chicken
(C) fish
(D) cheese

Q. Which of the following statements are connect :

(A) Iron is needed to prepare a protein called hemoglobin
(B) Phosphorus is essential for the osmotic pressure of body fluids
(C) Iodine is needed for the preparation of thyroxine
(D) Calcium is required for making bones and teeth

Q. With increases in temperature rate of photosynthesis :

(A) increases
(B) decreases
(C) remains unaffected
(D) none of these

Q. Which of the following vitamins can be synthesized by our body?

(A) Vitamin C
(B) Vitamin D
(C) Vitamin K
(D) Vitamin D and K

Q. When a child is given cod liver oil he gets the vitamin :

(A) Vitamin D
(B) Vitamin K
(C) Vitamin A
(D) Vitamin B1

Q. Vitamin K is also known as :

(A) Phylloquinone
(B) Calciferol
(C) Tocopherol
(D) Ascorbic acid

Q. Which vitamin is produced when our skin is exposed to sunlight :

(A) B2
(B) B4
(C) D
(D) C

Q. Which of the following are water soluble vitamins?

(A) Vitamin A
(B) Vitamin D
(C) Vitamin C
(D) Vitamin D & K

Q. Which has the chemical name ascorbic acid?

(A) Vitamin B2
(B) Vitamin C
(C) Vitamin A
(D) Vitamin D

Q. Prolonged heating and frying of food will destroy :

(A) bacteria
(B) Vitamin B
(C) Vitamin C
(D) all of these

Q. Which of the following has common name as Riboflavin?

(A) B1
(B) B12
(C) B4
(D) B2

Q. How many molecules of water are produced when one molecule of glucose gets oxidised in the body?

(A) 6 molecules
(B) 12 molecules
(C) 2 molecules
(D) 1 molecules

Q. Human blood contains which type of sugar in excess :

(A) Glucose
(B) Lactose
(C) Galactose
(D) Maltose

Q. Diameter of chloroplast is :

(A) 4-6 um
(B) 8-10 um
(C) 10-15 um
(D) 1-2 um

Q. Mother’s milk lacks :

(A) lactose
(B) Iron
(C) Protein
(D) Fat

Q. Kwashiorkar means :

(A) weak child
(B) Sick child
(C) Rejected child
(D) none of these

Q. Anemia is caused due to the deficiency of :

(A) Iron
(B) Calcium
(C) Iodine
(D) Sodium

Q. Cretinism is caused due to the deficiency of :

(A) vitamin
(B) iodine
(C) protein
(D) water

Q. Which disorders are caused due to the deficiency of vitamin D ?

(A) Goitre
(B) Anaemia
(C) Rickets and osteomalacia
(D) night blindness

Q. Night blindness  is caused due to the deficiency of :

(A) vitamin B12
(B) vitamin K
(C) vitamin D
(D) vitamin A

Q. One  gram of carbohydrate produces energy about :

(A) 3 kcal
(B) 2 kcal
(C) 4.2 kcal
(D) 8.1 Kcal

Q. Pellagra diseases is more common among those people who live mainly on :

(A) Rice
(B) Wheat
(C) Maize
(D) meat

Q. Scurvy is caused due to the lack of :

(A) vitamin  C
(B) vitamin  D
(C) vitamin A
(D) vitamin B12

Q. Excessive intake of vitamin D damages :

(A) Kidneys
(B) Eyes
(C) Lung
(D) Liver

Q. Obesity causes:

(A) diabetes
(B) Cardio vascular disease
(C) cancer
(D) a and b

Q. In process of photosynthesis it acts as an acceptor of CO2 :

(D) RuDP

Q. Name the disease caused by deficiency of iodine :

(A) Goitre
(B) scurvy
(C) rickets
(D) none of these

Q. Metanil yellow is a adulterant of :

(A) Haldi powder
(B) pulses
(C) Honey
(D) Dhania powder

Q. Choose the correct statement :

(A) sickle cell anaemia is not a genetic disease
(B) Kwashiorkar and Marasmus are two protein-energy malnutrition diseases
(C) deficiency of vitamin C causes mental retardation
(D) Citrus fruits are the sources of vitamin B12

Q. Kwashiorkar is disease caused by the deficiency of  :

(A) protein and vitamin
(B) protein and energy
(C) Roughage
(D) all of these

Q. Two components of cane sugar are :

(A) glucose & ribose
(B) glucose & mannose
(C) glucose & galactose
(D) glucose & fructose

Q. Amoeba is a/an :

(A) Saprophyte
(B) hylozoic animal
(C) Autotroph
(D) Algae

Q. Absorbable from of protein is :

(A) Amino-acids
(B) Maltose
(C) Lipids
(D) none of these

Q. Amoeba gets its food by the process :

(A) phagocytosis
(B) pinocytosis
(C) photosynthesis
(D) none of these

Q. Enzymes are ;

(A) potassium Iodate
(B) potassium  iodide
(C) Fluorine
(D) Bromine

Q. Main components of proteins are :

(A) Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
(B) Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and Nitrogen
(C) Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen Nitrogen and Sulphur
(D) Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, Nitrogen,Sulphur and phosphorus

Q. ILeum is part of :

(A) stomach
(B) liver
(C) small intestine
(D) large intestine

Q. Which of these is not contain essential fatty acids ?

(A) pepsin
(C) Amylase
(D) Gastric lipase

Q. Which does not contain essential fatty acids ?

(A) mustard oil
(B) coconut oil
(C) ground nut oil
(D) sunflower oil

Q. In human digestion starts in :

(A) oesophagus
(B) mouth
(C) Stomach
(D) Intestine

Q. Minerals include :

(A) Non metals and their compounds only
(B) Metals and non-metals without their compounds
(C) only metals and their compounds
(D) metals and non- metals with their compounds

Q. Vitamin needed to cure night blindness and Xeropthalmia :

(A) A
(B) D
(C) E
(D) K

Q. In aerobic respiration how many molecules of ATP are formed :

(A) 38
(B) 2
(C) 12
(D) 6

Q. As a result of anaerobic respiraction there is formation of ______________ in animal muscles -(final product):

(A) Ethyl alcohol
(B) Lactic acid
(C) pyruvic  acid
(D) all of these

Q. Planaria and amoeba respires thought which organ :

(A) skin
(B) cell wall
(C) cell membrane
(D) gills

Q. How many molecules of ATP are produced in anaerobic respiraction ?

(A) 2
(B) 12
(C) 6
(D) 38

Q. Sterility is caused due to the deficiency of :

(A) Vitamin E
(B) Vitamin K
(C) Sodium salt
(D) calciferol

Q. Respiration is a ___________ process

(A) chemical
(B) bio chemical
(C) give & take
(D) none of these

Q. In Aerobic respiration :

(A) Oxygen is utilized
(B) Oxygen is not present
(C) Alcohol is the end product
(D) Lactic acid is the end product

Q. Which of the following acts as a reducing agent in photosynthesis ?

(D) RuDP

Q. The main respiratory organs of land animals are

(A) lungs
(B) heart
(C) nostril
(D) none of these

Q. Frog breath by

(A) skin
(B) lungs
(C) both a and b
(D) nostrils

Q. Voice box is an enlarged part of :

(A) trachea
(B) duct
(C) alveoli
(D) none of these

Q. Under normal conditions rate of breathing is (in human) :

(A) 15-18 times/min.
(B) 18-20 times/min.
(C) 20-25 times/min.
(D) 12-15 times/min.

Q. Rate of breathing is controlled by :

(A) lungs
(B) inhalation and exhalation
(C) respiratory centre of brain
(D) blood capillaries

Q. End product of aerobic respiration :

(A) CO2 & H2O
(B) O2 &CO2
(C) O2 & H2O
(D) CO2 & O2

Q. Which of the following gases are involved in respiration?

(A) CO2 & H2O
(B) O2 &CO2
(C) O2 & H2O
(D) CO2 & O2

Q. Bronchiole terminates in a sac called :

(A) Alveoli
(B) Larynx
(C) Bronchus
(D) lungs

Q. Gaseous exchange in smokers :

(A) is increased
(B) is reduced
(C) is finished
(D) remains same

Q. Person who is unable to breathe normally make use of :

(A) oxygen mask
(B) ventilator
(C) both (a) & (b)
(D) none of these

Q. Which of the following is a vitamin :

(A) Riboflavin
(B) Nicotine
(C) Niacin
(D) both (a) and (c)

Q. Gastric juice contains digestive enzyme :

(A) Trypsin
(B) pepsin
(C) Gastric lipase
(D) both (b) & (c)

Q. Slight yellow color of cow milk is due to :

(A) niacin
(B) carotin
(C) riboflavin
(D) retinol

Q. Number of salivary in humans :

(A) 6
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5

Q. Digestion of proteins is started in (humans):

(A) small intestine
(B) stomach
(C) mouth
(D) large intestine

Q. The enzyme pepsin requires a medium which is :

(A) acidic
(B) alkaline
(C) neutral
(D) none of these

Q. Which produce enzyme :

(A) Kidneys
(B) endocrine glands
(C) exocrine glands
(D) liver

Q. The autotrophic mode of nutrition requires :

(A) Carbon dioxide and water
(B) Chlorophyll
(C) Sunlight
(D) all of the above

Q. The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon dioxide, water and energy take place in :

(A) cytoplasm
(B) mitochondria
(C) chloroplast
(D) nuclear

Q. Carbohydrates are stored in human body as the polysaccharides

(A) stretch
(B) glucose
(C) glycogen
(D) fructose

Q. Name the longest part of alimentary canal:

(A) large intestine
(B) small intestine
(C) stomach
(D) pancreas

Q. The human body does not produce

(A) enzymes
(C) vitamins
(D) hormones

Published by
Deep Khicher

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