The computer consist of a set of hardware which when coupled with a program, can be turned into a tool for some purpose. Here we are going to answer some MCQ question only about Computer.
Q. Which of the following is not used as secondary storage?
A) Semiconductor memory
B) Magnetic disks
C) Magnetic drums
D) Magnetic tapes
Q. Which of the following memory is capable of operating at electronics speed?
A) Semiconductor memory
B) magnetic disks
C) magnetic drums
D) Magnetic tapes
Q. Which of the following is responsible for co-ordinating various operations using timing signals?
A) Arithmetic-logic-unit
B) control unit
C) Memory unit
D) Input /Output unit
Q. The ALU of computer normally contains a number of high speed storage elements called
A) Semiconductor memory
B) register
C) hard disk
D) magnetic disk
Q. Memories in which any location can be reached in a fixed (and short) amount of time after specifying its address is called
A) Sequential-access memory
B) random-access memory
C) secondary memory
D) mass storage
Q. Which of the following is the fastest?
B) magnetic tapes and disks
C) video terminal
D) sensors, mechanical controller
Q. The register which contains the instruction that is to executed is called
A) Index-register
B) instruction register
C) memory address register
D) memory register
Q. Which of the following programs in windows is used for recording sound using a sound card?
A) Media player
B) Sounder
C) Multimedia extensions
D) Recorder
Q. The register which contains the data to be written into or readout of the addressed location is called
A) Index register
B) memory data register
C) memory address register
D) Program counter
Q. A collection of wires that connects several devices is called
A) Link
B) bus
C) bidirectional wires
D) cables
Q. A memory bus in mainly used for communication between
A) Processor and memory
B) processor and I/O devices
C) I/O devices and memory
D) Input devices and output device
Q. The input unit of a computer
A) Feeds data to the CPU or memory
B) retrieves data from CPU
C) directs all other units
D) all of these
Q. Offline device is
A) A device which is not connected to CPU
B) a device which is connected to CPU
C) a direct access storage device
D) an I/O device
Q. A device or peripheral equipment which is not in direct communication with CPU of a computer is known as
A) On-line-device
B) off-line-device
C) channel
D) core memory
Q. A storage device used to compensate the differences in flow of data is called
A) Main storage
B) buffer
C) auxiliary storage
D) core memory
Q. Which of the following registers holds the information before it goes to the decoder?
A) Control register
B) accumulator
C) Data register
D) address register
Q. Which of the following is a set of general purpose internal registers?
A) Stack
B) address register
C) scratch pad
D) Status register
Q. A single bus structure is primarily found in
A) Main frames
B) super computer
C) High performance machines
D) mini-and micro computer
Q. In which addressing mode, the effective adders of the operand is generated by adding a contents value of the contents of a register?
A) Absolute mode
B) indirect mode
C) immediate mode
D) index mode
Q. The unit of the computer system that executes program, communicates witch and often controls the operation of other subsystems of the computer is celled
B) I/O unit
C) control unit
D) peripheral unit
Q. Which of the following register is used to keep track of address of the memory location where the next instruction is located?
A) Memory address register
B) memory data register
C) instruction register
D) program counter
Q. Which of the following register is loaded with the contents of the memory location pointed by the PC?
A) Memory address register
B) memory data register
C) instruction register
D) program counter
Q. Register which are partially visible to user and used to hold conditional codes (bits set by the CPU hardware as the result of operations), are called
B) memory address register
C) General purpose register
D) flags
Q. The process of fetching and executing instructions, one at a time, in the order of increasing addresses is called
A) Instruction execution
B) straight line sequencing
C) instruction fetch
D) random sequencing
Q. One of the main feature that distinguish microprocessors from microcomputer is
A) Words are usually larger in microprocessors
B) words are shorter in microprocessors
C) microprocessor does not contain I/O devise
D) computer are not fully integrated
Q. Microprocessor can be used to make
A) Computers
B) calculators
C) digital systems
D) all of above
Q. In a generic microprocessor, instruction cycle time is
A) Short than machine cycle time
B) larger than machine cycle time
C) exactly double the machine cycle time
D) exactly the same as the machine cycle time
Q. What is minimum number of operation required, for a microprocessor with 8 data pains, to read a 32- bit word?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 8
Q. The flow and timing of data to and from the microprocessor is regulated by
A) Control pins
B) data pins
C) address pins
D) power pins
Q. A microprocessor with 12 address lines is capable of addressing
A) 1024 location
B) 1042 location
C) 4096 location
D) 64 K location
Q. The control unit of microprocessor
A) Stores data in the memory
B) accepts input data from a keyboard
C) performs arithmetic / logic function
D) None of these
Q. The stack pointer in the 8085 microprocessor is a
A) 16-bit register that point to stack memory locations
B) 16-bit accumulator
C) Memory location in the stack
D) flag register used for the stack
Q. How many address lines are needed to address each memory location in a 2048*4 memory chip?
A) 8
B) 10
C) 11
D) 12
Q. Which of the following statements is true about the program counter (PC)?
A) It is a call in ROM.
B) it is a register.
C) during execution of the current instruction, its content changes.
D) it counts the number of instructions executed in a program.
Q. Which of the following is not a register?
A) Buffer
B) stack
C) program counter
D) accumulator
Q. The clock interrupt handle on a computer requires 2Msec per clock tick. The clock runs at 60Hz. What per cent of the CPU is devoted to the clock?
A) 1.2
B) 12
C) 7.5
D) 18.5
Q. Which of the following is the programmable internal timer?
A) 8250
B) 8253
C) 8251
D) 8275
Q. Efficient use of addressing modes
A) Speeds up execution
B) reduces the number of instructions
C) reduces the size of instruction
D) all of the above
Q. Which of the following application are best handled in ROM?
A) Storage of protected passwords
B) storage of temporary variables
C) storage of the operating system
D) storage for micro-programs
Q. The number of possible commands that can be represented in the 6- bit opcode, is
A) 32
B) 8
C) 16
D) 4
Q. The minimum number of operands with any instruction is
A) 1
B) 0
C) 3
D) 2
Q. Which technique is preferable for transferring a large amount of data to and from a memory in a short time?
B) interrupt-driven `I/O
C) programmed I/O
D) none of these
Q. The CPU after receiving an interrupt from an I/O device
A) Hands over control of address bus and data bus to the interrupting device
B) halts for a predetermined time
C) branches off the interrupt service routine immediately
D) branches off to the interrupt service routine after completion of the current instruction
Q. Index register in a microprocessor is used for
A) Indirect addressing
B) pointing to the stack address
C) Address modification
D) keeping track of the number of time a loop is executed
Q. Pseudo-instruction Are
A) Instructions in any program that have no corresponding machine code instruction
B) instructions that are partially executed
C) instructions for catching
D) assembler directives
Q. The Sequence of events that happen during a typical operations
A) PC MAR memory MDR IR
B) PC memory MDR IR
C) PC memory IR
D) PC MAR memory IR
Q. A byte addressable computer has a memory capacity of 2m kbytes and an perform 2n operations. An instruction involving 3 operands and ne operator needs a maximum of
A) 3m bits
B) 3m + n bits
C) m + n bits
D) none of these
Q. In the previous problem if the computer is word addressable with the word size being 8 bytes, then the answer will be
A) 3mbits
B) 3m + n bits
C) m + n bits
D) none of these
Q. The addressing mode used in an instruction of the from ADD X, Y is
A) Absolute
B) indirect
C) index
D) immediate
Q. The sifting of program from one location to another in the memory is called
A) Relocation
B) data transmission
C) data collection
Q. A set of related program is called
A) Script
B) arrays
C) stacks
D) package
Q. Program status word (PSW) contains various (different) status of
C) program
D) registers
Q. Micro-programming is designing of
D) control unit
Q. When an interrupt occurs, CPU saves the value of ……………… in a stack.
A) Accumulator
B) program status word (PSW) only
C) instruction address counter (IAC)only
D) both PWS and IAC
Q. Masking the interrupts means
A) Disable all interrupts
B) disable some interrupts
C) disable I/O devices interrupts
D) disable power-failure interrupt
Q. Bus arbitration is
A) Clearing the bus
B) latching information on the bus
C) deciding the controller of the bus
D) controlling the bus
Q. Auxiliary memory is
A) memory slot
B) extended memory
C) secondary memory
D) cache memory
Q. control memory address register is present in
B) instruction register unit
C) control unit
D) disk control interface unit
Q. Stack consists of
A) Register
Q. Associative memory is a
A) Pointer addressable memory
B) very cheap memory
C) content addressable memory
D) slow memory
Q. Role of tag register in associative memory is
A) Acting as butter
B) acting as mask register
C) to write onto associative memory
D) to read content of associative memory
Q. A latch is commonly used to
A) Interface input device
B) interface output device
C) interface memory
D) interface DMA
Q. For the daisy chain scheme of connecting I/O device, which of the following statement is true?
A) It gives non- uniform priority.
B) it gives uniform priority to all devices.
C) it is only useful for connecting slow device to a processor.
D) It requires a separate interrupt pin on the processor for each device.
Q. Relative mode of addressing most relevant to writing
A) Coroutines
B) position-independent code
C) shareable code
D) interrupt handlers
Q. Which of the following devices should get higher priority in assigning interrupts?
A) Hard disk
B) keyboard
C) printer
D) floppy disk
Q. Which of the following addressing modes permits relocation without any change whatsoever in the code?
A) Indirect addressing
B) indexed addressing
C) base register addressing
D) PC relative addressing
Q. Which of the following addressing modes facilitates access to an operand whose location is defined relative to the beginning of the data structure in which it appears?
A) Absolute
B) immediate
C) index
D) indirect
Q. In which addressing modes the contents of a register specified in the instruction are first decremented, and then these contents are used as the effective address of the operands?
A) Index addressing
B) indirect addressing
C) auto increment
D) auto decrement
Q. The intel 8085 microprocessor enters into wait state after the recognition of
Q. The data lines of Intel 8085 processor are multiplexed with
A) Higher order address line
B) lower order address line
C) status line
D) none of the above
Q. Which can read data and convert them to a form that a computer can use?
A) Logic
B) storage
C) control
D) input device
Q. The most common input device used today
A) Mother board
B) track ball
C) scanner
D) keyboard
Q. The seek time in the case of fixed head magnetic disks is
A) 20 ms
B) 10 ms
C) 5 ms
D) 3 ms
Q. Which is a secondary memory device?
C) Floppy disk
D) mouse
Q. Some magnetic disks are very large: its diameter may be around
A) 0.25m
B) 1.2m
C) 0.5m
D) 2m
Q. The term polling in computer means a process by which a computer system
A) Inquiries to see if a terminal has any transaction to send
B) detects corrects errors
C) decides correct alternative by analyzing several ones.
D) multiplexes the inputs and updates the memory accordingly
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