Employees’ State Insurance ने एक 1871 Post Clerk & Stenographer Post Vacancy 2019 का notification जारी किया है, जिसके माध्यम से Clerk & Stenographer के लिए अप्लाई कर सकते है. ESIC ने कुल 1871 पोस्ट के लिए आवेदन भरे जाने के लिए कहा है. ESIC Clerk & Stenographer 1871 Post Govt Job – Apply, Admit Card & Result के बारे में पूरी Details आप नीचे Check कर सकते है.
Employees’ State Insurance की 1871 Clerk & Stenographer Post की Recruitment 2019 में 1871 Clerk & Stenographer पद है. ESIC Recruitment 2019 के post details आप नीचे चेक कर सकते है.
Clerk & Stenographer | 1871 Posts |
Employees’ State Insurance 1871 Clerk & Stenographer Posts Recruitment 2019 के लिए अप्लाई 16-03-2019 से 06-04-2019 तक ही कर सकते है. इसके बाद में application process close कर दी जायेगी.
Advt No | – |
Date of Publication | 16-03-2019 |
Opening Date for online Application | 06-04-2019 |
Employees’ State Insurance 1871 Clerk & Stenographer पोस्ट के लिए आपको M.Sc. (Computer Science/IT) (with at east 50% Marks) or Master in Computer Application (with at least 50% Marks) or BE/B.Tech. in Computer Science/ Information Technology (with at least 50% Marks) or BE/ B.Tech. in any stream with Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (with at least 50% of marks in both) or MBA and Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (with at least 50%o marks in both) from a recognized university. में पास होनी चाहिए.
Qualification | Higher Secondary Pass for Stenographer Degree for UDC |
Employees’ State Insurance में सभी पोस्ट की age Limit एक जैसी रखी गयी है. इन पोस्ट के लिए आपकी minimum age 18 Year और maximum age 35 Years तक रखी गयी है. इसके अलावा Age Relaxation as per govt rules भी applicable है.
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Andhra Pradesh Region (The Link to Apply Online will be made avaialble on 16.03.2019)
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Bihar Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Chhatisgarh Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Delhi D(M)D Office
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Delhi Hqrs. Office
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Delhi Regional Office
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Goa Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Gujarat Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Haryana Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Himachal Pradesh Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Jammu & Kashmir Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Jharkhand Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Karnataka Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Kerala Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Madhya Pradesh Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Maharashtra Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for North East Regions
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Orissa Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Pudducherry Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Punjab Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Rajasthan Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Tamilnadu Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Telangana Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Uttar Pradesh Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for Uttarakhand Region
Detailed Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of UDC & Stenographer for West Bengal Region
Employees’ State Insurance की 1871 Clerk & Stenographer Post की recruitment के exam का admit card आपको exam से 15 दिन पहले दे दिए जायेंगे. ESIC Recruitment 2019 – 1871 Clerk & Stenographer Post download करने के लिए आपको लिंक हम यहाँ पर provide करवा देंगे.
Click here to Download Exam Call Letter for Steno
Click here to Download Exam Call Letter for UDC
Employees’ State Insurance 1871 Clerk & Stenographer Post के Exam Date आपको एडमिट कार्ड पर दिखा दी जायेगी. इसके साथ साथ आपको एग्जाम का समय और एग्जाम की जगह भी आपको बता दी जायेगी.
Employees’ State Insurance के 1871 Clerk & Stenographer Post के एग्जाम की answer key डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको हम यहाँ पर लिंक provide करवा देंगे जिसकी मदद से आप अपना ESIC की उत्तर कुंजी डाउनलोड कर सकते है.
Employees’ State Insurance के एग्जाम का रिजल्ट exam के बाद ESIC की ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर अपलोड कर दिया जाएगा जहाँ से आप ESIC Result आसानी से चेक कर सकते है.
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