Study Material

A to Z Words Full Form

A to Z Words Full Form

A to Z Words Full Form

A to Z Words Full Form


  • ABM full form:– Anti Ballistic Missiles
  • ADB full form:– Asian Development
  • AERE full form:– Atomic Energy Research Establishment
  • AFSPA full form:– Armed Forces Special Power Act
  • AGOC full form:– Asian games Organizing Committee
  • AIDS full form:– Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • AIMS full form:- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
  • ALH full form:- Advanced Light Helicopter
  • APPLE full form:- Ariadne Passenger Payload
  • AMRUT full form:- Alta Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
  • APEC full form:– Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
  • ASAT full form:- Anit-satllite Weapon
  • ASIAN full form:– Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  • ASCII full form:– American Standard code for Information Interchange
  • ASLV full form:-Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle
  • ASI full form:– Archaeological Survey of India
  • ATM full form:- Automated Teller Machine
  • AU full form:– African Union
  • AVES Full form:- Acute Viral Encephalitic Syndrome


  • BC SBI full form:– Banking Codes and Standard Board of India
  • BARC full form:- Bharat Atomic Research Centre
  • BBC full form:-British Broadcasting Corporation
  • BCG full form:– Bacillus Calumet Guerin (Anti-Tuberculosis Vaccine)
  • BCTT  full form:– Banting Cash Transaction Tax
  • BCCI  full form:- Board for control of Cricket in India
  • BENELUX full form:– Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
  • BIMSTEC full form:– Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multiculturalism Technical and Economic Cooperation
  • BIS full form:- Bureau of Indian Standards
  • BMD full form:- Ballistic Missile De fence System
  • BPO full form:- Business Process Outsourcing
  • BRO full form:– Border Roads Organization


  • CAA full form:- Civil Aviation Authority
  • CABE full form:- Central Advisory Board of Education
  • CAG full form:- Comptroller and Auditor General
  • CAZRI full form:- Central Arid Zone Research Institute
  • CBI full form:– Central Bureau of Investigation
  • CECA full form:- Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
  • CFC full form:- Chlorofluorocarbon Carbon
  • CID full form:-Criminal Investigation Department
  • CISF full form:- Central Industrial Security Force
  • CITES full form:- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
  • CNG full form:– Compressed Natural Gas
  • COFEPOSA full form:- Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Act
  • CPCB full form:– Central Pollution Control Board
  • CPRI full form:-Central Power Research Institute
  • CRR full form:- Cash Reserve Ratio
  • CSIR full form:- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research


  • DAVP full form-: Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity
  • DDT full form:- Dichloro Diphenyl Tricolor – ethane (disinfectant)
  • DNA full form:– De-oxyribonucieie Acid
  • DPSA full form:– Deep Penetration Strike Aircraft
  • DPT full form:- Diphteria. pertussis and Tetanus
  • DRDO full form:- De fence Research and Development Organization
  • DTH full form:- Dirent-to-Home (brodcasting)
  • DVD full form:- Digital Versatile disk


  • ECG full form:- Electra Cardiogram
  • EEG full form:- Electrode-Electroencephalography
  • EET full form:- Eastern European Time
  • ESCAP full form:– Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  • EVM full form:– Electronic Voting Machine


  • FDI full form:- Foreign Direct Investment
  • FII full form:– Foreign Institutional Investor
  • FBI full form:- Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • FERA full form:- Foreign Exchange Regulations Act
  • FICCI full form:- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
  • FDR full form:- Fixed Deposit
  • FLAG full form:- Fiber Optic Link Around the Globe


  • GAIN full form:- Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
  • GANDHI full form:- Green Action for National Dani Heritage Initiative
  • GATS full form:- General Agreement on Trade in Services
  • GATT full form:- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  • GEF full form:- Global Environment Fund
  • GMPS full form:- Global Mobile Personal Communications System
  • GNSS full form;– Global navigation Satellite System
  • GPS full form:– Global Positioning System
  • GSLV full form:- Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle


  • HAC full form:- Hindustan Aluminum Corporation
  • HAL full form:- Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
  • HIV full form:- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • HTML full form:- Hypertext Markup Language
  • HTTP full form:- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • HYV full form:- High Yielding Variety


  • IAAI full form:- International Airport Authority of India
  • IAEA full form:- International Atomic Energy Agency
  • IBRD full form:- International Band for Reconstruction and Development
  • ICAO full form:- International Civil Aviation Organization
  • ICAR full form:- Indian Council of Agricultural Research
  • ICMR full form:- International Committee of the Red Cross
  • IDBI full form:- Industrial Development Bank of India
  • IMA full form:– Indian Military Academy
  • IMO full form:- International Maritime Organization
  • INMAS full form:- Institute of Nuclear Medicines and Allied Sciences
  • INSAS full form:- Indian small Arms System
  • INSAT full form:- Indian National Satellite
  • INTERPOL full form:- International Police Organization
  • IPCC full form :- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  • IRBM full form :- Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile
  • IRS full form :- Indian Remote Sensing Satellite
  • ISCS full form :- Integrated Smart Card System
  • ISRO full form :- Indian Space Research Organization
  • ITU full form :- International Telecommunication Union

J, K & L

  • JNNURM full form:- Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
  • LCA full form:- Light Combat Aircraft
  • LOC full form:- Line of Control
  • LOAC full form:- Line of Actual Control
  • LTA full form:- Light Transport Aircraft


  • MAT full form:- Minimum Alternative Tex
  • METSAT full form:– Meteorological Satellite
  • MNP full form:- Mobile Number portability
  • MSS full form:– Multimedia Message Service
  • MODEM full form:- Modulator-De Modulator
  • MRI full form:- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • MRTS full form:– Mass Rapid Transit System
  • MTCR full form:- Missile Technology Control Regime


  • NAA full form:- National Airport Authority
  • NABARD full form:- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
  • NADA full form:– National Anti-Doping Agency
  • NASA full form:- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • NEERI full form:- National Environment Engineering Research Institute
  • NATA full form:- Natural Aptitude Test for Architecture
  • NCEP full form:– National Committee on Environmental Planning
  • NCERT full form:- National Council of Educational Research and Training
  • NeGP full form:– National e-governance Plan
  • NEP full form:- National Education Policy
  • NEPA full form;- National Environment Protection Authority
  • NHDP full form;- National Highways Development Project
  • NHRC full form:– National Human Right Commission
  • NITI Aayog full form:- National  Institution for Transforming India


  • OCI full form;– Overseas Citizenship of India
  • OAS full form:- Organization of American States
  • OAU full form:- Organization of African Unity
  • ODS full form:– Ozone Depletion Substances
  • OIC full form:- Organization of Islamic Countries
  • OPEC full form:- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
  • OSCE full form;– Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe


  • PURA full form:- Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas
  • PATA full form:- Pacific Asia Travel Association
  • POTA full form:– Prevention of Terrorism Act
  • PSLV full form:- Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle

Q, R

  • QIB full form:- Qualified Institutional Buyer
  • QIP full form:– Qualified Institutional Placement
  • RAF full form;– Rapid Action Force
  • RBI full form:– Reserve Bank of India
  • RCC full form:- Reinforced Concrete Cement
  • RDSS full form:– Radio Determination Satellite Service
  • RTGS full form:- Right to Education
  • RTI full form:– Right to Information


  • SAARC full form:– South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
  • SAFTA full form:– South Asian Free Trade Area
  • SAIL full form:– Steel Authority of India Limited
  • SAPTA  full form:- SAARC Preferential Trading Agreement
  • SATNAV full form:- Satellite NAVigation
  • SALT full form:- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
  • SAVE full form:– SAARC Audio Visual Exchange
  • SCO full form;– Shanghai Cooperation Organization
  • SEBI full form:– Securities and Exchange Board of India
  • SIDBI full form:– Small Industries Development Bank of India
  • SPIN full form:- Software Process Improvement Networks
  • STARS full form:- Satellite Tracking and Ranging Station
  • START full form:- Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
  • SWIFT full form:- Society for Worldwide Inter bank Financial  Telecommunications


  • TADA full form:– Terrorist and Disruptive Activities
  • TAPS full form:- Tarantula Atomic Power Station
  • TIN full form:- Tax Identification Number
  • TRAI full form:– Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
  • TVOA full form:- Tourist Visa on A rival


  • UAV full form:– Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • UNCTAD full form:– United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  • UNDP full form:– United Nations Development Programmer
  • UNEP full form:– Untied Nations Environment Programmer
  • UNFPA full form:- United Nations Fund for Population Activities
  • UPS full form:- Uninterruptible Power Supply


  • VAT full form:- Value Added Tex
  • VOIP full form:- Voice over Internet Protocol
  • VPN full form:- Virtual Private Network
  • VSAT full form:– V Small Aperture Terminals

धागे का आविष्कार कब और किसने किया?


  • WADE full form:– world Anti-Doping Agency
  • WAP full form:- Wireless Application Protocol
  • WAVE full form:– Wireless Access for Virtual Enterprise
  • WFP full form:- World Food Programmer
  • WFTU full form:– World Federation of Trade Unions
  • WHO full form:– World Health Organization
  • WLL full form :- Wireless in Local Loop
  • WWW full form:- World Wide web

X, Y & Z

  • XML full form:– Extensible Markup Language
  • YWCA full form:– Young Women’s Christian Association
  • ZSI full form:– Zoological Survey of India
  • ZUPO full form:- Zimbabwe United People Organization
Published by
Deep Khicher

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