Study Material

List of Inventions & Discoveries

in this article, we are giving List of Inventions & Discoveries that you can check from the table below.

List of Inventions & Discoveries

List of Inventions & Discoveries
Invention Inventor Year Country
Aeroplane Invention W.and O. Wright 1903 U.S
Air-conditioning Invention W.H. carrier 1911 U.S
Celluloid Invention John W. Hyatt 1870 U.S
Electric lamp Invention T.A Edison 1879 U.S
Electro motor(A.C.) Invention Nickola Tesla 1892 U.S
Fountain Pen Invention L.E. Waterman 1884 U.S
Gramophone Invention Berliner 1887 U.S
Helicopter Invention Sirkorski 1939 U.S
lonoscope Invention Zworykin 1923 U.S
Kodak Invention George Eastman 1888 U.S
Loudspeaker Invention Pin-Kellog 1924 U.S
Machine Gun Invention R.J Gatling 1861 U.S
Microphone Invention Berliner 1877 U.S
Movie-car Invention T.A. Edison 1893 U.S
Pistol Invention Colt 1835 U.S
Radar Invention Taylor& Young 1925 U.S
Rocket Invention R.H. Goddard 1929 U.S
Safety razer Invention Gillette 1895 U.S
Sewing machine Invention Elias Howe 1846 U.S
Steamboat Invention Robert Fulton 1803 U.S
Submarine Invention John-P.Holland 1891 U.S
Telegraph Invention Samual Morse 1832 U.S
Telephone Invention a.Graham Bell 1876 U.S
Typewriter Invention C.Sholes 1868 U.S
Barometer Invention E.Torricelli 1643 Italy
Balloon Invention Mongolfier Bros 1783 France
Bicycle Invention Macmillan 1842 Scotland
Cinemascope Invention Henri Chester 1931 France
Clock, Pendulum  Invention G.Huygens 1665 Netherland
Diesel Engine Invention Rudolf Diesel 1895 Germany
Dynamite Invention Alfred Nobel 1866 Sweden
Dynamo Invention Picinotti 1860 Italy
Electric Generator Invention Michael Faraday 1831 England
Jet propulsion Invention Frank whittle 193 England
Microscope Invention Z-jouson 1590 Netherland
Motor-cycle Invention G.Daimler 1885 Germany
Parachute Invention F.Blanchard 1785 France
Photography(black & white) Invention LoiusDaguore 1837France


Photograph(color) Invention Lippman 1891 France
Printing press Invention Guotenberg 1450 Germany
Radio Invention G.Marconi 1895 Italy
Rayon Invention Swan 1883 England
Railway engine Invention Stephenson
Steam engine Invention James Watt 1765 Scotland
Stethoscope Invention Laennec 1819 France
Telescope Invention H.lippsehay 1608 Netherland
Television Invention John L.Baird 1926 England
Thermometer Invention G.D. Fahrenheit 1714 Germany
Torpedo Invention Whitehead 1866 England
X-Ray machine Invention W.K Roentgen 1895 Germany
Published by
Deep Khicher

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