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Carbon and its Compounds

in this article we are going tell about Chemistry Lesson:- Carbon and its Compounds that you can check for prepare SSC, HSSC exam.

Carbon and its Compounds

Carbon and its Compounds

Q. Carbon occurs abundantly in the free state as:

Ans. Diamond, Graphite, Coal etc.

Q. The most beautiful and costliest of all the gems in an allotrope of carbon is:

Ans. Diamond

Q. The most important chemical behaviour of carbon is its:

Ans. Catenation

Q. The combination of carbon with oxygen is:

Ans. An Exothermic reaction

Q. In all the organic compounds carbon shows:

Ans. Tetravalency

Q. A compound of carbon and hydrogen alone is called:

Ans. Hydrocarbon

Q. Cracking of petroleum is the process of:

Ans. Breaking bigger molecules to give smaller molecules

Q. An unsaturated Hydrocarbon:

Ans. Decolorises bromine water

Q. Graphite is used in the manufacture of electrodes because it:

Ans. Is a good conductor of electricity

Q. The property of self linking of carbon atoms is known as:

Ans. Catenation

Q. Carbon has great affinity for oxygen at high temperature this property makes carbon as a good:

Ans. Reducing agent

Q. Formula of an alkaline with 3 carbon atoms is:

Ans. C3H38

Q. The general formula of saturated Hydrocarbon is:

Ans. CnH32n+32

Q. Hydrocarbon containing single bond is:

Ans. C4H10

Q. In ethylene the two carbon atoms are joined together by a:

Ans. Double bond

Q. Hydrocarbons containing triple bonds are called:

Ans. Alkynes

Q. Methane reacts with excess of chlorine to produce:

Ans. CCl4

Q. The difference between the members of the homologous series is of:

Ans. Ch3

Q. I.U.P.A.C name of C2H5OH is:

Ans. Ethanol

Q. CHCL3 is the formula of:

Ans. Chloroform

Q. A mixture of sodium acetate and soda lime (a mixture of sodium hydroxide and calcium oxide)gives on heating:

Ans. Methane

Q. Acetylene is produced by the action of water on:

Ans. Calcium carbide

Q. A gas decolorizes alkaline KMnO4 solution but does not give any ppl. With ammonium silver nitrate. It is:

Ans. Ethylene

Q. Ethylene reacts with alk. KMNO4 (Baeyer’s reagent) to form:

Ans. Glycol

Q. Ethylene is found by the dehydration of:

Ans. Ethyl alcohol

Q. The reaction of HBr with ethylene is an example of:

Ans. Addition reaction

Q. Kimberlite rock for diamonds is:

Ans. Carrier rock:

Q. When Ethyl alcohol is heated with cone. H2SO4 the product formed is:

Ans. C2H2

Q. Plastic is:

Ans. A polymer of unsaturated Hydrocarbon

Q. Thermoplastics are those plastic which:

Ans. Become soft on heating

Q. The example of thermosetting plastic is:

Ans. Bakelite

Q. P. V. C is a:

Ans. Polymer

Q. The compound used first for preparing the synthetic fibres was:

Ans. Cellulose, nitrate

Q. Compounds of metals with carbon are called:

Ans. Carbides

Q. The hardest natural substance known is:

Ans. Diamond

Q. The specific gravity of diamond is:

Ans. About 3.5

Q. Which material does not contain carbon?

Ans. Bleaching powder

Q. Which of the following is the hardest variety of carbon?

Ans. Diamond

Q. One of the crystalline forms of carbon is:

Ans. Diamond

Q. Graphite is used as a lubricant because of it:

Ans. Is soft and greasy

Q. Acetylene is a:

Ans. Unsaturated hydrocarbon

Q. In ethylene the two carbon atoms are joined together by a:

Ans. Ethylene

Q. Hydrocarbons containing 5-16 carbon atoms are:

Ans. Liquids

Q. Ethylene is also named as:

Ans. Ethyne

Q. A molecular formula of butane is:

Ans. C4H10

Q. Hydrocarbon containing 1 to 4 atoms of carbon are:

Ans. Gases

Q. Isomers of a substance must have the same:

Ans. Molecular properties

Q. In diamond each carbon atom is surrounded by………… carbon atoms:

Ans. 4

Q. Which of the following elements is not present in stainless steel?

Ans. Carbon

Q. The chemical bond which is formed by the carbon atom in forming the compounds is called:

Ans. Covalent bond

Q. Marsh gas mainly contains:

Ans. CH4

Q. Homologous compounds are:

Ans. CH4 and C2H6

Q. The simplest formula for bleaching powder is:

Ans. Methanol

Q. The I.U.P.A.C. name of C2H5cooh is:

Ans. Propanoic acid

Q. The general formula of alkynes is:

Ans. CnH2n-2

Q. The general formula of Alkenes is:

Ans. CnH2n

Q. Soaps are:

Ans. sodium or potassium salts of higher fatty acids

Q. The byproduct of the soapnification reaction is:

Ans. Glycerol

Q. In graphite each carbon atom is bounded to……..carbon atom:

Ans. 3

Q. Which has a branched chain?

Ans. Isobutane

Q. The molecular formula of ethanoic acid is:


Q. Which of the following is not is used as a refrigerant?

Ans. CCl4

Q. Choose the correct statement:

Ans. Coal gas contains methane, hydrogen and carbon monoxide

Q. Choose the false statement:

Ans. Ethane is known as marsh gas

Q. The general formulae of alkanes are:

Ans. CnCH2n+2

Q. The alkene having the formula

Ans. C5H10

Q. has the total number of isomers:

Ans. 6

Q. Chloroform can be prepared from………

Ans. Methanol

Q. The process of splitting fat by alkali is known as:

Ans. Saponification

Q. Lemon has sour taste due to:

Ans. Citric acid

Q. In the laboratory methane can be prepared by heating the mixture of:

Ans. Sodium acetate+Soda lime

Q. In the hydrocarbon HC≡CH,the valency of carbon is:

Ans. Four

Q. The organic acid present in vinegar is:

Ans. Ethanoic acid

Q. The organic compounds which have the same general molecular formula but different structural formula are called:

Ans. Isomers

Q. The property of carbon atom to form a bond with itself is known as:

Ans. Catenation

Q. Fourth valency electron of each carbon atom is free in;

Ans. Graphite

Q. The gas used in the artificial ripening of fruits is:

Ans. Ethene

Q. Antifreeze is a mixture of:

Ans. Ethyle alcohol+Water

Q. The functional group present in terylene is:

Ans. Easter

Q. Neoprene rubber is a polymer of:

Ans. 2-chlorobutadyne

Q. Vulcanised rubber is soluble in:

Ans. Benzene, Chloroform

Q. The hydrocarbon containing single bond:

Ans. C4H10

Q. PVC is a:

Ans. Polymer

Q. C.M.C.stands for:

Ans. Carboxy Methyl Cellulose

Q. There are lacs of compounds in which carbon is a constituent element.Reason for this is:

Ans. Catenation

Q. Forming of long open or close chains by the atoms of an element is known as:

Ans. Catenation

Q. Diamond gives beautiful colors because it has:

Ans. High refractive index

Q. Diamond is bad conductor of:

Ans. Electricity

Q. Non-metals which is good conductor of electricity is:

Ans. C

Q. Atomic number of carbon is:

Ans. 6

Q. CH4 of methane:

Ans. Molecular formula

Q. Ethane is prepared by heating mixture of soda lime and sodium?

Ans. Propionate

Q. Hydrocarbons burn in air to form:

Ans. CO2+H2O

Q. Molecular formula of hexane is:

Ans. C6H14

Q. C2H4 is……member of homologous series of alkenes:

Ans. First

Q. IUPAC name of isopentane is:

Ans. 2-methyl butane

Q. IUPAC name of neopentane is:

Ans. 2, 2-Dimethyl propane

Q. General formula for alkyl group is:

Ans. CnH2n+1

Q. Formula for butyl group is:

Ans. C4H9

Q. Alkanes are soluble in:

Ans. Benzene

Q. Methane molecule is:

Ans. Tetrahedron

Q. Vegetable oils are converted into vegetable ghee by:

Ans. Hydrogenation

Q. Alcohol are:

Ans. Lighter then water

Q. Ethanoic acid is IUPAC name of:

Ans. Acetic Acid

Q. The sweet smell of flowers is due to the presence of:

Ans. Easter

Q. Unsaturated hydrocarbons are formed by the method of:

Ans. Cracking

Q. Name of CCI4 is:

Ans. Carbon tetrachloride, Tetrachloro plastics

Q. Bakelite and Melamine are examples of:

Ans. Thermosetting

Q. Benzene may be said to be polymer of:

Ans. Ethyne

Q. C17H35 COONa is a:

Ans. Soap

Q. C12H22O11 is formula of:

Ans. Sugar

Q. Thiokal in a:

Ans. Synthetic rubber

Q. Neoprene is polymer of:

Ans. 2-chlorobutadiene

Q. Natural cellulose is polymer of:

Ans. C6H10O5

Q. We can write acetylene as:

Ans. H-C≡C-H

Q. With the reaction of water with ethane under suitable conditions we prepare:

Ans. Ethanol

Q. Famous Kohinoor diamond was found in:

Ans. Wardour

Q. Diamond were not found in:

Ans. Bihar

Q. Ethane with the molecular formula C2H6 has:

Ans. 7 covalent bonds

Q. Butanone is a four-carbon compound with the functional group.

Ans. Ketone

Q. While cooking if the bottom of the vessel is getting blackened on the outside it means that:

Ans. The fuel is not burning completely

Published by
Deep Khicher

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