Study Material

Control and Co-ordination

Here we are sharing about Biology MCQ:- Control and Co-ordination that you can check for prepare SSC, HSSC, and other competitive exams.

Control and Co-ordination

Control and Co-ordination

Q. What is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system ?

(A) organ
(B) cells
(C) tissues
(D) neurons

Q. The highest coordinating centre in the body in the body is :

(A) heart
(B) stomach
(C) brain
(D) eyes

Q. Membrane which protects brain is :

(A) Meninges
(B) Capillaries
(C) Plasma membrane
(D) none of these

Q. Name the endocrine glands that secrets hormone glucagon ;

(A) Hypothalamus
(B) Thyroid
(C) Pancreas
(D) None of these

Q. Name the master endocrine gland of our body :

(A) Parathyroid
(B) Thyroid
(C) Adrenal
(D) Pituitary gland

Q. How many pairs of spinal nerves arises from the spinal cord ?

(A) 23 pairs
(B) 31 pairs
(C) 22 pairs
(D) 1 pairs

Q. Who coined the term hormone ?

(A) Johnsen
(B) Bayliss and Starling
(C) Mendel
(D) none of these

Q. Chemical nature of hormones :

(A) Fatty acid
(B) Proteinous
(C) Alkaline
(D) none of these

Q. Which gland secretion reduce pituitary secretion?

(A) Thyroid gland
(B) Normal
(C) ductless gland
(D) Hypothalamus

Q. Which nerves carry the impulses to the spinal cord?

(A) Reflex Active
(B) Reflex Arc
(C) Motor
(D) Sensory nerves

Q. The function of control and coordination performed in plants by :

(A) Plant hormone
(B) Photosynthesis
(C) Respiration
(D) None of these

Q. Plants hormones are ;

(A) Physical substances
(B) Chemical substance
(C) both of them
(D) none of these

Q. Name the bony cover box in the skull which protects the brain :

(A) Meninges
(B) Midbrain
(C) Cranium
(D) Forebrain

Q. Which is the most complex and specialised part of the brain ?

(A) Cerebellum
(B) Pons
(C) Cerebrum
(D) Medulla oblongata

Q. Full form of E.E.G.

(A) Electro electric gram
(B) Electroencephalogram
(C) Electric equipment gram
(D) Electric gram

Q. Name the instrument which can record the electrical activity of brain :

(C) X-Ray
(D) Ultrasound

Q. Which fluid protects the brain from mechanical shocks?

(A) Plasma
(B) Cerebrospinal fluid
(C) Blood
(D) Mineral water

Q. The response of plant towards water is :

(A) Phototropism
(B) Hydrotropism
(C) Geotropism
(D) none of these

Q. Name the hormones secreted by the pancreas

(A) Insulin
(B) Glucagon
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) none of these

Q. ABA is a :

(A) hormone
(B) plant hormone
(C) animal hormone
(D) enzyme

Q. ABA stands for :

(A) Alcohol-based acid
(B) Aldehyde-based acid
(C) Abscisic acid
(D) none of these

Q. Plants respond to the photoperiodic stimulus by a pigment :

(A) Phytochrome
(B) chlorophyll
(C) carotenoid
(D) melanin

Q. Non-directional movement in plants due to stimulus :

(A) tropism
(B) nastic movements
(C) metabolism
(D) none of these

Q. Effect of duration of the day on plant growth is :

(A) phototropism
(B) periodic
(C) geotropism
(D) photoperiodism

Q. Choose the wrong sentence :

(A) roots show positive geotropism
(B) stem shows positive phototropism
(C) roots show negative hydrotropism
(D) all of these

Q. Which of the following is a gaseous hormone :

(A) Gibberellin
(B) Auxin
(C) Cytokinin
(D) Ethylene

Q. A hormone that promotes falling of leaves :

(A) Auxin
(B) Cytokinin
(C) Ethylene
(D) Abscisic acid

Q. Olfactoreceptors and photoreceptors are the organs that sense :

(A) smell and light
(B) smell and sound
(C) sound and small
(D) light and smell

Q. A neuron has three components namely cell body dendrites and :

(A) nucleus
(B) axon
(C) synapse
(D) nerve

Q. Forebrain includes :

(A) cerebellum and pons
(B) cerebrum and cerebellum
(C) pons and medulla oblongata
(D) olfactory lobes and cerebrum

Q. Reflex actions are controlled by :

(A) brain
(B) spinal cord
(C) cerebrum
(D) hormones

Q. Term hormone was given by :

(A) Bayliss and Starling in 1903
(B) G.J medal in 1909
(C) Johanson in 1915
(D) Louis Pasteur 1921

Q. Neurons that connected sensory and motor neurons are called :

(A) motor neurons
(B) relay neurons
(C) sensory neurons
(D) none of these

Q. Movement posture coughing vomiting and respiration is controlled by :

(A) Midbrain
(B) Hindbrain
(C) Forebrain
(D) Medulla oblongata

Q. Ductless glands are called :

(A) Endocrine glands
(B) Exocrine glands
(C) Merocrine glands
(D) none of these

Q. Hormone required to maintain blood calcium and phosphate is and it releases from……….. :

(A) thyroxin, thyroid
(B) insulins, pancreas
(C) calcitonin, parathyroid
(D) prolactin, pituitary

Q. The hormone responsible for the closing of stomata (in plants) :

(A) Abscisic acid
(B) Ethene
(C) Cytokinin
(D) auxin

Q. Negative geotropism is shown by :

(A) root
(B) leavers
(C) stem
(D) none of these

Q. Movement of mimosa plants is an example of :

(A) tropism
(B) phototropism
(C) geotropism
(D) nastic movements

Q. One out of two organe of central nervous system is :

(A) spinal cord
(B) neurons
(C) sensory neuron
(D) Cerebrospinal fluid

Q. Number of cranial nerves arising from brain :

(A) 23
(B) 31
(C) 12
(D) 22

Q. Motor neurons transmit nerve impulses from CNS to :

(A) receptor
(B) effectors
(C) brain
(D) spinal cord

Q. Out of the following which is not a part of Hindi brain

(A) Medulla
(B) pons
(C) cerebellum
(D) cerebrum

Q. Memory is related to :

(A) Cerebellum
(B) Cerebrum
(C) pons
(D) Olfactory lobes

Q. Heart beat and respiration (breathing )is controlled by :

(A) Autonomic nervous system
(B) central nervous system
(C) Spinal cord
(D) none of these

Q. Regulation of metabolism of carbohydrates fats and proteins is done by :

(A) Insulin hormone
(B) Growth hormone
(C) parathyroid hormone
(D) Thyroxine hormone

Q. Glucagon hormone ……blood sugar and brings it to its normal value.

(A) increases
(B) descreases
(C) both(a) and (b)
(D) none of these

Q. Number of hormones secreted by pituitary gland is :

(A) 4
(B) 2
(C) 5
(D) 6

Q. Which of the following is a plant hormone ?

(A) Insulin
(B) Thyroxin
(C) Oestrogen
(D) Cytokinin

Q. The gap between two neutrons is called a :

(A) dendrite
(B) synapse
(C) axon
(D) impulse

Q. The brain is responsible for :

(A) thinking
(B) regulating the heartbeat
(C) balancing the body
(D) all of the above

Published by
Deep Khicher

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