Nuclear Energy – Fission and Fusion

in this article we are going to tell you about Physics Lesson:- Nuclear Energy – Fission and Fusion.

Nuclear Energy – Fission and Fusion

Nuclear Energy - Fission and Fusion
Nuclear Energy – Fission and Fusion

Q. The discovery of neutron was made by :

Ans. Rutherford

Q. Radioactivity was discovered by :

Ans. Becquerel

Q. The change present on a neutron is :

Ans. zero

Q. Number of protons in n atom is equal to :

Ans. Atomic number

Q. Atomic number of an element is 11 and its mass numbers is 23 .The number of neutrons in the atom will be :

Ans. 12

Q. How many electrons are present in Na+

Ans. 1

Q. Fusion of hydrogen nuclei occurs when they collide at ;

Ans. very high speed

Q. The temperature at which fusion reaction of hydrogen nuclei occurs is of order of :

Ans. 4×106 deg c

Q. One gram of hydrogen in the sun release energy of :

Ans. 62×109 j

Q. The nucleus of U-235 is highly unstable. Why?

Ans. Due to large distances between nucleons the nuclear force of attraction becomes weak.

Q. When U-235 isotope is bombarded with slow-moving neutrons, it:

Ans. splits into smaller segments

Q. The light of small wavelength emitted during fission of U-235 isotope is known as :

Ans. X-rays

Q. Plutonium (Pu-239)can be made artificially from :

Ans. U-238

Q. During fission of U-235 three more neutrons are produced.These three neutrons strike three U-235 atoms and each atom would release three more and so on.Such multiplying process is called:

Ans. Chain Reaction

Q. The uncontrolled chain reaction a nuclear explosion and is known as:

Ans. Atom bomb

Q. The name of the reaction taking place in hydrogen bomb is a :

Ans. Fusion reaction

Q. A controlled fission reaction is called :

Ans. critical fission reaction

Q. Nuclear reactor is a furnace in which :

Ans. nuclear energy is converted into useful work

Q. The name of the metal used to control fission reaction in nuclear reactor is :

Ans. Cadmium

Q. The name of the state in India where uranium is available:

Ans. Bihar

Q. Name of the city where enrichment of uranium is done :

Ans. Hyderabad

Q. The name of the final form of energy obtained from a nuclear power plant is :

Ans. Electrical energy

Q. Nuclear energy is the results of:

Ans. conversion of mass into energy

Q. Which substance is used a moderator in nuclear reactor :

Ans. Heavy water

Q. Positivity changed particle of mass equal to the mass of an electron is called :

Ans. Positron

Q. Size of the nuclear is of the order of :

Ans. 10-14m

Q. α, β and γ rays emitted from a radioactive source are passed through 0.5 cm thick aluminum sheet.The outgoing radiation will consist of :

Ans. γ rays only

Q. Positron is the particle which has positive change and mass equal to the mass of :

Ans. Electron

Q. The mass of an atom is expressed in :

Ans. a.m.u.

Q. Name of nuclear reaction taking place in the sun is :

Ans. nuclear fusion

Q. Name of the reaction which takes place during explosion of atom bomb :

Ans. Nuclear fission

Q. Name of the reaction which takes place during explosion of hydrogen bomb :

Ans. nuclear fusion

Q. Name of the moderation used to control nuclear reaction ?

Ans. Cadmium

Q. When a beta(β) particle is given out the atomic number of the parent atom :

Ans. Increases by unity

Q. Nuclear fusion cannot be carried in a nuclear reactor because :

Ans. It takes place at a very high temperature

Q. The isotope which can be fissioned easily :

Ans. U-235

Q. Controlled nuclear chain reaction is carried out in :

Ans. nuclear reactor

Q. The process of increasing the percentage of U-238 in U-235 is called :

Ans. Enrichment of nuclear fuel

Q. Radiation hazards can be minimized by :

Ans. using strong radiation absorbents

Q. The name of the coolant used in nuclear reactor is :

Ans. Water

Biology MCQ – Control and Co-ordination

Q. For generating electricity the nuclear reaction used is :

Ans. Nuclear fission reaction

Q. The name of the destructive weapon in which fusion reaction takes place:

Ans. Hydrogen bomb

Q. Amount of energy released during the fission a uranium atom is

Ans. 200Me V

Q. India’s first atomic power station was built at:

Ans. Tarapur

Q. Bhaba Atomic research center (BARC) is situated in:

Ans. Trombay

Q. The moderator in a nuclear reactor :

Ans. slows down the neutron to increases probability of fission

Q. The first nuclear reactor of India is :

Ans. Apsara

Q. When a china reaction takes place in U-235 each nuclear breaks into two parts fission and releases :

Ans. three neutrons

Q. The process by which hydrogen in the sun is converted into helium is called :

Ans. nuclear fusion

Q. Mass of proton is :

Ans. 1.67×10-24 g

Q. The nuclei of isomers of an element contain equal number of :

Ans. neutron

Q. Penetrating power of γrays is :

Ans. more than that of α and β

Q. percentage of U-235 in uranium used in nuclear reactor is :

Ans. 1 to 2%

Q. What is the percentage of U-235 in U-238 :

Ans. 0.7 %

Q. fusion of hydrogen nuclei occurs when they collide at :

Ans. very high speed

Q. The neutron which can induce fission in U-235 should be :

Ans. slow moving

Q. Nuclear reactor is a place where:

Ans. fission reaction is controlled

Q. Which is the correct statement :

Ans. pollution can be minimised by the proper disposed of nuclear waste

Q. Controlled fission reaction is called ;

Ans. critical reaction

Q. The density of a nuclear is of the order of :

Ans. 1017 kg m-3

Q. Which type of process is currently used in nuclear electricity generation?

Ans. nuclear fission

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