
Number System & Arithmetic MCQ

In this article we will give you some MCQ of Number System & Arithmetic.

Number System & Arithmetic MCQ

Q. The hexadecimal digits are 1 to 0

A) E
B) F
C) G
D) D

Q. The main advantage of hexadecimal number is the case of conversion from hexadecimal to…………….. And vice versa.

A) Decimal
B) binary

Q. Binary coded decimal (BCD) number express each digit as a

A) Byte
B) nibble
C) bit
D) all of above

Q. ASCII code is a 7 Bit code for

A) Letters
B) number
C) other symbols
D) all of these

Q. How many bites are there in 1011100101101110 number?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 8

Q. The binary equivalent of the octal number 13.54 is

A) 1011.1011
B) 1101.1110
C) 1001.1110
D) all of these

Q. The octal equivalent of 111010 is

A) 81
B) 72
C) 71
D) all of these

Q. The binary equivalent of the hexadecimal number 7BD is

A) 011110111101
B) 111010111101
C) 1011101111101
D) all of these

Q. The decimal equivalent of binary number 0.0111 is

A) 4.375
B) 0.4375
C) 0.5375
D) -0.4375

Q. The binary code of (73)10 is

A) 1010001
B) 1000100
C) 1001001
D) 1100101

Q. The range of the number which can be stored in an eight bit register is

A) -128 to + 127
B) -128 to + 128
C) -999999++999999
D) none of these

Q. The binary system has the radix of

A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3

Q. 92 in octal number system is equivalent to

A) 1288
B) 1328
C) 1328
D) 1348

Q. Which of the following is termed minimum error code?

A) Binary code
B) gray code
C) excess 3 code
D) octal code

Q. Two’s complement of 1011.01 is

A) 0100.10
B) 0100.11
C) 1011.10
D) 0100.01

Q. Hexadecimal number are a mixture of

A) Binary and decimal number
B) letter and decimal digits
C) binary and octal number
D) octal and decimal number

Q. A half byte is celled

A) Bug
B) nibble
C) data
D) bit

Q. The most commonly used character codes for transmission is

C) both
D) none of these

Q. The binary number 10011101 is equal to the hexadecimal number

A) 9E
B) 9D
C) 9F

Q. The binary coded decimal code 01100111 is equal to decimal digit code

A) 103
B) 76
C) 67
D) -67

Q. The decimal number 80 can be represented in BCD code as

A) 10000001
B) 01010000
C) 00100000
D) 1000000

Q. The two complement in binary system is useful for expressing

A) Positive numbers
B) negative number
C) both positive and negative number
D) None these

Q. Result of truncating the decimal number -22.56 is

A) -22
B) -23
C) 0
D) -22.56

Q. ASCII code is an

A) Alphabet code
B) numeric code
C) alphanumeric code
D) cyclic code

Q. The gray code for decimal 7 is

A) 0111
B) 0100
C) 1011
D) 0101

Q. Which of the following code is called the 8241 code?

A) Gray code
B) excess-3 code
C) ASCII code
D) BCD code

Q. The sum of weights in self-complementing BCD code must be

A) 7
B) 10
C) 9
D) 8

Q. In binary system decimal 0.875 is represent by

A) 0.001
B) 0.0101
C) 0.011
D) 0.111

Q. The square of octal number 23 is

A) 529
B) 550
C) 539
D) 650

Q. Which code is a weighted code?

A) Gray
B) excess-3
C) shift counter
D) 5111

Q. In inhibit operation output is…………………..when block input is….

A) 1 either 0 or 1
B) 0, 0
C) 0, 1
D) any of the above

Q. Decimal number 5 in level parity self-correcting code is

A) 10000
B) 011000
C) 01011
D) 00110

Q. Two’s complement can be obtained from one’s complement by

A) Adding 1
B) subtracting 1
C) putting 1 as the leading bit
D) None of these

Q. Which of the following 4 bit combination are invalid in the BCD code?

A) 0010
B) 0101
C) 1000
D) 1010

Q. The binary division 110002 /1002

A) 11
B) 101
C) 110
D) 1100

Q. When old number is converted into the binary number, the least significant digit (LSN) is

A) 0
B) 1
C) 0 or 1
D) none of these

Q. When the decimal number 16 is converted to the binary number, how many binary digits are needed?

A) 4
B) 3
C) 5
D) 7

Q. How many binary number are created with 8 bits?

A) 256
B) 64
C) 128
D) 16

Q. Number 84 in BCD is

A) 10000100
B) 01000100
C) 10001010
D) 10001100

Q. Number 010001001 in BCD is the decimal number

A) 619
B) 831
C) 419
D) 412

Q. What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 110100?

A) 42
B) 26
C) 52
D) 62

Q. The maximum count which a 6 bit binary word can represent is

A) 36
B) 64
C) 63
D) 65

Q. The highest decimal number that can be represented with 60 binary digits is

A) 1023
B) 1024
C) 512
D) none of these

Q. How many fractional digits 2-48 will have?

A) 24
B) 47
C) 49
D) 48

Q. What is the binary equivalent of decimal 269?

A) 100001100
B) 100001010
C) 101001011
D) 100001101

Q. What is the decimal equivalent of hexadecimal number B3?

A) 10110001
B) 11010011
C) 10110011
D) 10010101

Q. What is the hexadecimal equivalent of binary number 60606666?

B) 9E
C) 8C
D) none of these

Q. What is the decimal equivalent of hexadecimal number 566?

A) FF1
B) 1FF
C) 3FF
D) FF3

Q. The octal equivalent of decimal 324.987 is

A) 504.771
B) 540.781
C) 215.234
D) 40.987

Q. The sum of weight in a self-complement BCD code must be

A) 7
B) 8
C) 9
D) 10

Q. ASCII code in hexadecimal for number 5 is

A) 5
B) 25
C) 35
D) 65


A) Is a sub set of 8-bit EBCDIC
B) is used only in western countries
C) is version II off the ASCII standard
D) has 128 character, including 32 control characters

Q. Which number system is not a positional notation system?

B) binary
C) decimal
D) hexadecimal

Q. A 17bit binary number has an accuracy equivalent to the decimal fraction?

A) 1/1024
B) 1/2048
C) 1/4096
D) 1/6400

Q. (r-1)’s compliment of the (r-1)’s complement of an integer number is

A) Original number
B) (r-2) compliment of the number
C) r’s compliment
D) none of these

Q. The 10’s compliment of (715)8 is

A) 63
B) 539
C) 285
D) 395

Q. The 9’s compliment of 381 is

A) 372
B) 508
C) 618
D) 390

Q. The result of the addition A016+ 6B16 is

A) 10 B16
B) 16 b16
C) AQB 16
D) A6B16

Q. The result of the addition 3716+ 1916 is

A) 5616
B) 5916
C) 6016
D) None of these

Q. The result of the subtraction FD16 -8816 is

A) 7516
B) 6516
C) 5E16
D) 1016

Q. The 1’s compliment of the binary number 1101101 is

A) 0000010
B) 0010011
C) 00100010
D) 1101110

Q. The sign magnitude representation of binary number + 1101.011 is

A) 01101.011
B) 11101.011
C) 00010.100
D) 10010.100

Q. The sign magnitude representation of binary 1101.011 is

A) 01101.011
B) 11101.001
C) 10010.100
D) 100010.101

Q. The sign magnitude representation of decimal number -637 is

A) 0687
B) 9687
C) 1687
D) 1312

Q. Let 12A7C16=x8. The value of x is

A) 224174
B) 425174
C) 6173
D) 225714

Q. Let each integer be represented by five bits. Which of the following system (s) will produce overflow if the operation -3-3 is performed?

A) One’s compliments only
B) two’s compliments only
C) sign and magnitude and one’s compliments
D) one ‘s compliments and two’s compliments

Q. Consider n-bit one’s representative of integer number, the rang of integer value, n, that can be represented is

A) -2n-1 < N < 2n-1
B)-2n-1 <N <2n-1 -1
C)-2n-1 < N < 2n-1
D) -1-2n-1 <N<2n-1  

Q. The excess 3 code is also called

A) Cyclic redundancy code
B) weighted code
C) self-complimenting code
D) algebraic code

Q. Which of the following is an unweighted code?

A) 8421 code
B) excess 3 code
C) 2421 code
D) 5211 code

Q. Cycle code are used in

A) Data transfer
B) continuously varying single representative
C) arithmetic and logical computation
D) none of these

Q. ASCII and EBCDIC differ in

A) their sufficiency in storing data
B) random and sequential access method
C) number of bites used to store character
D) collecting sequences

Q. The number of 1’s present in the binary representation of:
3 *512 +7 * 69 + 5 * 8 +3 is

A) 7
B) 8
C) 9
D) 10

Q. How many 1’s is present in the binary representation of 15*256+5*16+3 is

A) 8
B) 9
C) 10
D) 11

Q. What is the 2’s complement representation of -5/8?

A) 0.1010
B) 1.0010
C) -0.1101
D) 1.0110

Q. Which of the following codes uses 7 bits to represent a character?


Q. Which of the following codes is non-weighted?

A) Decimal number system
B) excess-3 code
C) binary number system
D) roman number system

Q. If(123)10=(x3) y, then number of possible values of x is

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

Q. What is the value of x provided (12x)3 = (123) x?

A) 2
B) 3
C) 5
D) none of these

Q. Which of the following statements is not true about BCD code?

A) Conversion to and from the decimal system can be done easily.
B) it is a 8-4-2-1 weighted code.
C) (12345678)10need 4 bytes in BCD representation.
D) compliment of a number can be found efficiently.

Q. Consider a number system with radix 20. The excess code that is necessary or its equivalent binary coded representation is

A) 7
B) 6
C) 5
D) 4

Q. What is the equivalent of
(10110011100011110000)2n base 32?

A) 11 9 23 31
B) 22 14 7 16
C) 11 9 7 16
D) 11 14 23 16

Q. If (x567)8 + (12×5)8=(71yx)8, then values of x and y are

A) 4,  4
B) 4, 3
C) 3, 3
D) 4, 5

Q. If negative number are stored in 2’ s complement from, the range of number that can be stored in 8 bits, is

A) -127 to + 127
B) -127 to + 123
C) -128 to + 127
D) -128 to + 128

Q. Consider a computer that uses a floating point representation comprising signed magnitude fractional mantissa and an excess – 16 base 8 exponent. What decimal number is represented by a floating point number whose exponent is 10011 and mantissa 101000 and the sign bit set?

A) -320
B) -6250
C) -20480
D) -0.00122

Q. What is the binary equivalent of gray code 11100?

A) 01011
B) 10101
C) 00111
D) 10111

Q. Which of the following is the minimum error code?

A) Binary code
B) gray code
C) excess-3 code
D) octal code

Q. Let an an-1 ___ a, a0 be the binary representation of an integer b. then b is divisible by 3 if

A) Number 1,s of is divisible by 3
B) number of 0,s is divisible by 3
C) number of 1’s is divisible by 6
D) difference of alternate sum, i.e. a0 + a2 +___- (a1+a2+___) is divisible by 3

Q. Which of the following binary number is the sum as its 2’s compliment?

A) 1010
B) 0101
C) 1000
D) 1001

Q. Which of the binary equals its 1’ s complement?

A) 1010
B) 1001
C) no such number exists
D) none of these

Q. Which of the following is the binary representation of the hexadecimal number 3B7F?

A) 0100 1001 1110 1101
B) 0110 0011 10111 1100
C) 0011 1011 0111 1111
D) 0010 0100 0000 1010

Q. A decimal number has 30 digits. Approximately, how many digits would the binary representation have?

A) 30
B) 60
C) 90
D) 120

Q. How many possible bytes have exactly three bits on (i.e. bit + true)?

A) 8 * 7 * 6
B) 8 . 7
C) 8 . 3
D) 8 . 7. 3

Q. Which of the following is the minimum decimal equivalent of the number 11 B.0?

A) 142
B) 167
C) 143
D) 283

Q. Which of the following is divisible by 4?

A) 100101100
B) 1110001110001
C) 11110011
D) 10101010101010

Q. The random access memory for microcomputer is located in the memory space 2 $$$ H to 212 FFH. The total amount of RAM available is

A) 1 KB
B) 2 KB
C) 4 KB
D) 8 KB

Q. The number of bites of memory occupied by an assembler which is located on the memory map  of a microcomputer between addresses FOOH and FFFH is

A) (1024)10
B) (2048)10
C) (4096)10
D) (8192)10

Q. Which of the following is the result of dividing 0011 10002 by 10002?

A) (1100)2
B) (1110)2
C) (0011)2
D) (0111)2

Q. Even parity is being used for error checking computer data. If the data word to be transmitted is 0101 0111, the value of the parity will be

A) 0
B) 1
C) 1 or 0
D) 01

Q. The hexadecimal number A 23 F is represented in binary by7

A) 1010 0010 0011 1110
B) 1010 0100 0011 1111
C) 1010 0010 0011 1111
D) 1111 0011 0010 1010

Q. The range for 13-bits compliment number, expressed in decimal, is from

A) -127 to + 128
B) -127 to + 127
C) -128 to + 128
D) -128 to + 127

Published by
Deep Khicher

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