आज इस आर्टिकल में हम आपको Adikavi Nannaya University MBA/MCA/MPEd DateSheet के बारे में बताने जा रहे है.
AP उनीवेर्सिटी Adikavi Nannaya University के MBA/MCA/MPEd DateSheet चेक करने के लिए आपको सबसे पहले AN यूनिवर्सिटी की ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा. इसके बाद में आप Adikavi Nannaya University MBA/MCA/MPEd DateSheet चेक कर सकते है. अगर आपको स्टेप्स नही पता है तो आप नीचे दिए गए सेक्शन से अपने Adikavi Nannaya University MBA/MCA/MPEd DateSheet चेक कर सकते है.
Date | Paper No. | Subject | Time |
10-12-2018 | 1 | Prespectives of Management (Common for MBA & MBA(T&H)) | 9 AM to 12 PM |
12-12-2018 | 2 | Accounting for Management (Common for MBA & MBA(T&H)) | 9 AM to 12 PM |
14-12-2018 | 3 | Business Environment | 9 AM to 12 PM |
17-12-2018 | 4 | Managerial Economics (Common for MBA & MBA(T&H)) | 9 AM to 12 PM |
19-12-2018 | 5 | Managerial Communication Skills (Common for MBA & MBA(T&H)) | 9 AM to 12 PM |
21-12-2018 | 6 | Organiizational Behaviour | 9 AM to 12 PM |
24-12-2018 | 7 | Quantitative Techniques for Mangaement | 9 AM to 12 PM |
Date | Paper No. | Subject | Time |
10-12-2018 | 1 | Prespectives of Management (Common for MBA & MBA(T&H)) | 9 AM to 12 PM |
12-12-2018 | 2 | Accounting for Management (Common for MBA & MBA(T&H)) | 9 AM to 12 PM |
14-12-2018 | 3 | Human Resource Management | 9 AM to 12 PM |
17-12-2018 | 4 | Managerial Economics (Common for MBA & MBA(T&H)) | 9 AM to 12 PM |
19-12-2018 | 5 | Managerial Communication Skills (Common for MBA & MBA(T&H)) | 9 AM to 12 PM |
21-12-2018 | 6 | Principles and Practices of Tourism & Hospitality | 9 AM to 12 PM |
24-12-2018 | 7 | ICT for Tourisum and Hospitality | 9 AM to 12 PM |
Date | Paper No. | Subject | Time |
10-12-2018 | 1 | Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C | 9 AM to 12 PM |
12-12-2018 | 2 | Data Structures | 9 AM to 12 PM |
14-12-2018 | 3 | Discrete Mathmatical Structures | 9 AM to 12 PM |
17-12-2018 | 4 | Computer Organization | 9 AM to 12 PM |
19-12-2018 | 5 | Management Accountancy | 9 AM to 12 PM |
Date | Paper No. | Subject | Time |
10-12-2018 | 1 | Research Process in Physical Education & Sports Sciences | 9 AM to 12 PM |
12-12-2018 | 2 | Physiology of Exercise | 9 AM to 12 PM |
14-12-2018 | 3 | Applied Statistics in Physical Education & Sports | 9 AM to 12 PM |
17-12-2018 | 4 | Elective – I Fitness and Life Style Management | 9 AM to 12 PM |
इसआर्टिकल में हमने आपको Adikavi Nannaya University MBA/MCA/MPEd DateSheet, AKNU AKNU MBA,MCA & MPEd 1st Sem Exam TimeTable Dec 2018, Adikavi Nannaya University (aknu) datesheet के बारे में बताया है. अगर आपका कोई सवाल या सुझाव है तो आप कमेंट करके भी पूछ सकते है.
आज इस आर्टिकल में हम आपको बताएँगे की अपने डॉक्यूमेंट किससे Attest करवाए - List…
निर्देश : (प्र. 1-3) नीचे दिए गये प्रश्नों में, दो कथन S1 व S2 तथा…
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